
Warm Up:
4-way Manual Neck

3 rounds of
5x Left Hand KB Swings
5x Left Hand KB Snatches
5x Left Shoulder KB Shoulder hold lunge

5x Right Hand KB Swings
5x Right Hand KB Snatches
5x Right Shoulder KB Shoulder hold lunge
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of 
100lb Plate Carry 50m
3x Box Jumps at 42"
3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex

2) 8 Rounds of 
6x Tire Flips
3x Jump Squats
2x Ride it Down Squat

3) 8 Rounds of 
3x 245lb Trap Bar Deadlifts
100m Sprint
Alternating Walking Straight Leg kicks

It was a great day outside, so we scrapped out gym based stamina session for a strongman-style stamina session outside.  We chose a few exercises that really hit the core and compounded them immediately with an explosive movement.  For the plate carry we used a 100lbs plate.  It felt light at first, but toward the ends of the eight rounds our biceps were on fire.  On the last circuit, we used a moderate weight for the deadlift and really concentrated on the sprint afterward.  We were pretty sore after this session, especially our arms.