Our Program is not easy and it is not designed for everyone.  There many other programs out there that are easier and others that are designed for beginners.  Our program is for those individuals who are looking for an elite and balanced strength AND conditioning program to follow.  Many of us are old "Gym Rats" that love lifting weights, but understand the need to be able transfer that strength into our real world events.  Much of our philosophy and programming is adopted from Rob Shaul and the Military Athlete Program, which we are actively a part of.

About our TRAINING:
  • We focus on Balanced Strength, Work Capacity, Stamina, and Durability.
  • Our Strength days are total body lifts that rotate through different volumes and intensities
  • Our Work Capacity sessions are high intensity intervals that not only challenge our physical fitness, but our mental capacity as well.
  • Our Stamina session are a necessary evil.  They are longer duration sessions designed to be completed at lower intensities. These are usually single mode events such as runs, rucks, or stair climbs. Our Stamina Cycles,  however, are a combination of gym work and outside training.  Our stamina cycles are very intense, high volume, long duration events. They are designed to train Recovery. We are not only training “stamina” but we are also attempting to train recovery from endurance events. It’s been our experience that relatively short, intense, work capacity sessions alone do a great job preparing an athlete for a single, long, endurance push. But you’ll be trashed the next day. Short, intense events do not train recovery. Only stamina sessions do. Pre-conditioning the muscle endurance and connective tissue transfers directly to decreased soreness and faster recovery time after an event.  This is important on multi-day events and multi-event days.
The best way to start is to jump right in and do what you can and learn as you go (try not to start during a stamina cycle). Gradually get used to the tempo, exercises, and properly learn the technique before you start throwing a lot of weight on the bar. Easier said then done, but we are in this for the long haul, so use common sense. START A WEEK BEHIND THE POSTS...I PUBLISH THEM EARLY TO GIVE YOU A HEADS UP OF WHAT TO EXPECT. If you try to do them right when they are posted, you will get confused and frustrated because they may change, they will not always be posted exactly a week early, etc...
OUR PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO BE FOLLOWED CONSECUTIVELY, 5 days a week...not just picked through to find one that catches the eye.  This is the biggest difference between "working out" and actually "training".  Most people can design and complete a workout for a single session or two, but to get real results... athletes need to start "Training".  This means following a program that has a strategy, goals, are periodized, and provide balanced training.  People who just "workout" rarely see the result they are looking for and continually jump from program to program sporadically sampling different workouts, which makes it difficult to progress.


  • Stop "working out" and start "training"!
  • During training sessions, work hard and move quickly. Hard work, intensity, and minimal rest while training is what we expect and is what will make our training most effective. If you aren’t willing to work hard, are program is not for you.
  • Don’t be ignorant. There is always someone out there who is bigger, stronger, and faster. Judge your successes against the former you, not training partners.
  • Don’t expect immediate results. There is no shortcut to getting strong or being fit. Relish the work. Enjoy the sweat. Welcome the pain.
  • Don’t worry about how you look, worry about how you perform. The looks will come.
  • Our Training Program works. If you are not getting the results you desire, STOP EATING LIKE CRAP, train consistently,  train with more intensity, and maximize your recovery through proper nutrition, rest, massages, or a few extra minutes on the foam roller.