
1) Perform the Following for 35 minutes:
400m Run
15x Back Squats @ 95lbs
5x Ankles to Bar
5x Mr. Spectaculars @ 16kgs
15x Donkey Kicks each leg

As soon as the 35 minutes is up, go right into the next circuit

2) 12 Rounds of
100m Run
15x Kb Swings @ 20 kg
5x Pull Ups
5x 1-leg KB Deadlift @ 24kg 5/5
15x Seated Russian Twists @ 15lb (use 15lb bumper plates, if you do not have them do 10 each side with 25lbs)

For today we are doing two longer work capacity sessions.  Each circuit should last around the same time.  The pace should be pretty good.  You obviously cannot keep the gas pedal floored for the duration of the training, but you need to hit it at a pretty good pace. The rounds for time on the second circuit was put that way for a reason...the faster you go, the quicker you get done.  This was a good week of training for my group.  Tomorrow will be a strength session.  As always, let me know if you have any questions and keep me posted on your progress - Dave.