Work Capacity (outside effort)

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
20x Single Count Jumping Jacks
10x Air Squats
Prisoner Stretch

1) 20 Rounds of
4x Burpees (without chest to ground/no push up)
8x KB Swings @ 24kg
120m Run
30 sec rest

2) 4 Rounds of
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25lbs
10x Birddogs 10/10
10x Seated Russian Twists @ 25lbs 10/10
60 Sec side plank hold 30/30

If you're moving, the 20 rounds should take a little over 33 minutes.  The 30 seconds rest is not optional...if you don't, the intensity takes a dump and you lose the effect of the session.  We've been getting outside a little more and working in a lot more running.  It is important.