Strength Session

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 2 Pull ups
**increase weight each round

1) Max Reps of Strict Pull up ( no kipping, no swinging, just full extension to chin above bar)
-- You can rest in a dead hand, but once you leave the bar, you're done.
2) Find Approximate Push Press 1 Rep Max

3) 5 Rounds of
2 Push Press @ 85% Of 1 RM
40% of max rep pull ups (for example, if you did 20 reps for max effort, 40% would be 8 = 8 reps each round)
2 Y&L shoulder Mobility

4) 5 rounds of
6 DB RDL (challenge yourself on weight)
1 Plank hold series (20 sec hold right side, middle, left side)

5) 4 rounds of
8 Lunge Jump (max height) (4L/4R)
8 Dip Extension Leg raises
8 Dips