Warm up: 4 rounds of
"Barbell Clean Progression"
5 Dead Lifts
5 Hang Pulls ( perform like a power shrug)
5 Hang High Pulls (perform like a power upright row)
5 Hang Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Situps

1) Find Approx. Power Clean 1 Rep Max

2) 5 Rounds of:
2 Power Cleans at 85% of 1 RM
4 Hip Swivels

3) 5 rounds of
6 Front Squats -- where 6 is tough but doable
10 Side to Side Plyo Push ups (with one hand on an elevated surface, perform a push up and propel yourself to the other side switching the hand that is on the elevated surface) Perform the alternating side to side push ups for 10 total reps (5L/5R)

4) 5 rounds of
8 DB Push Press
8 Strict Pull Ups
8 Dips
20 Situps