Work Capacity Session

Warm up:
4 rounds of
 5 Pullups 
20 Lunges (10L/10R)
20 Seated Russian Twists (20 touches)

1) 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of:
Air Squats (Work on Full Range of Motion)
Push Ups
KB/DB Swings 50lbs
150 run  (for those at station 12, we ran one lap around the fire station) the first round will be:
12 Air Squats
12 Push ups
12 Swings
1 Run
....followed immedietly by:
11 Air Squats
11 Push Ups
11 Swings
1 Run
...continue down to 1 rep, with each round having only 1- 150 meter run