Warm up:
3 rds of
Barbell Complex
6 Situps

1)  Find approx Squat Clean and Push Press 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of:
2 Squat Clean and Push Press at 85% of 1 RM
2 Hip Swivels

3) 5 rounds of:
6 Front Squat -- weight should be heavy, but doable
6 DB RDLs (romanian deadlifts)
1 Medball Push up complex ( 1 regular push up, 1 push up with right hand on MB, 1 push up with both hands on MB,  1 push up with left hand on MB, 1 regular push up, and then back with 1 push up with left hand on MB, 1 push up with both hands on MB, 1 push up with right hand on MB, and 1 regular push up)

4) 5 rounds of:
8 Bench Press -- weight should be hard, but doable
5 Pull ups (chest to bar)
8 DB Shrugs (go heavy as possible)