Warm Up
4 rounds of
1 Hose Tower Ladder Climb
( 4-story climb up and down the house tower)
3 Stair Case Climbs --  holding 2- 45# plates
(up and down one flight of stairs holding a 45# plate in each hand x3)
30 Situps

1) 5 rounds for time of:
    6   3" Hose Pack Get Ups (3 each side)
    10 Spider Man Push Ups
    10 Squats with 3" Hose Pack
    10 Pullups
    Rest 2 minutes

2) 5 rounds of
   30 sec Alternating Battling Ropes with 1 section of 1 3/4 hose
   30 rest

3) 5 Rounds of
    3 Partner rescue dead lifts
    20 ft Dumbbell Crawl
    5 Rope Pull ups
    HUG mobilitiy