Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
6 Barbell only (ie. no additional weights) RDLs
6 Barbell only Upright rows
6 Barbell only Push Press
6 Barbell only Back Squat
6 Barbell only Good Mornings
6 Barbell only Overhead Squat
6 Ankles to Bar
6 Scorpions

1) Find approx Deadlift 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
    2 Deadlifts @85% of 1RM
    5 Hip Swivels

3) 5 rounds of
    6 Bench Press @ 70-75% of 1 RM
    6 Pull ups (weighted if possible)
    6 DB Shrugs
    6 Band Pull Aparts

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Summo Deadlift High Pulls
   20 yd farmers plate carry with 45lbs plates in each hand
   20 toe touches