Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
6 Barbell only (ie. no additional weights) RDLs
6 Barbell only Standing Barbell Row
6 Barbell only Upright rows
6 Barbell only Push Press
6 Barbell only Back Squat
6 Barbell only Overhead Squat

10 Hanging straight leg raises
10 Push ups
10 Straight leg raises in the extended dip position
10 Push ups
10 Knee raises in the extended dip position
10 push ups

1) Find approx Push Press 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
    2 Push Press @85% of 1RM
    4 weighted pull ups
    4 Y & L Shoulder Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
    4 1- Arm Dumbbell snatches (8 total)
    8 Seated Russian Twists w/ 25# plate
    8 Jump and Squats

4) 5 rounds of
    8 Dumbbell Front Squats
    6  Jingle Jangles
    8 DB Shrugs