Warm Up
4 rounds of

10 inch worms with push up
10 Jump Squats 

20 Toe Touches

10 barbell lunges 75lbs

1) Max number of rounds in 20 minutes of:
    10 Swings 45lbs    3" Hose Pack Get Ups (3 each side)
     8 Dumbbell Push Press 45lbs
     6 Dumbbell Front Squat 45 lbsack
     4 Pullups

2) 5 rounds of
   30 sec Plank Holds (right, middle, front

   10 Scorpions
   10 Back Extensions

Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
6 Barbell only (ie. no additional weights) RDLs
6 Barbell only Standing Barbell Row
6 Barbell only Upright rows
6 Barbell only Push Press
6 Barbell only Back Squat
6 Barbell only Overhead Squat

10 Hanging straight leg raises
10 Push ups
10 Straight leg raises in the extended dip position
10 Push ups
10 Knee raises in the extended dip position
10 push ups

1) Find approx Push Press 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
    2 Push Press @85% of 1RM
    4 weighted pull ups
    4 Y & L Shoulder Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
    4 1- Arm Dumbbell snatches (8 total)
    8 Seated Russian Twists w/ 25# plate
    8 Jump and Squats

4) 5 rounds of
    8 Dumbbell Front Squats
    6  Jingle Jangles
    8 DB Shrugs

Warm Up
4 rounds of
1 Hose Tower Ladder Climb
( 4-story climb up and down the house tower)
3 Stair Case Climbs --  holding 2- 45# plates
(up and down one flight of stairs holding a 45# plate in each hand x3)
30 Situps

1) 5 rounds for time of:
    6   3" Hose Pack Get Ups (3 each side)
    10 Spider Man Push Ups
    10 Squats with 3" Hose Pack
    10 Pullups
    Rest 2 minutes

2) 5 rounds of
   30 sec Alternating Battling Ropes with 1 section of 1 3/4 hose
   30 rest

3) 5 Rounds of
    3 Partner rescue dead lifts
    20 ft Dumbbell Crawl
    5 Rope Pull ups
    HUG mobilitiy
Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
6 Barbell only (ie. no additional weights) RDLs
6 Barbell only Upright rows
6 Barbell only Push Press
6 Barbell only Back Squat
6 Barbell only Good Mornings
6 Barbell only Overhead Squat
6 Ankles to Bar
6 Scorpions

1) Find approx Deadlift 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
    2 Deadlifts @85% of 1RM
    5 Hip Swivels

3) 5 rounds of
    6 Bench Press @ 70-75% of 1 RM
    6 Pull ups (weighted if possible)
    6 DB Shrugs
    6 Band Pull Aparts

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Summo Deadlift High Pulls
   20 yd farmers plate carry with 45lbs plates in each hand
   20 toe touches

Training Session 5


Warm Up
4 rounds of
10 squats
10 push ups
10 squat jumps
10 sit ups

1) 100 reps of Dumbbell Complex #1:
DB Complex #1:
1 DB Hang Clean
1 DB Front Squat
1 DB Push Press
1 DB Squat Clean and Push Press
***if you're comfortable with the movement and can get low enough in the squat portion of the clean .

2) 4 rounds of
     30 sec Plank Holds (left, middle, right)
     HUG  Mobility Drill

Training Session 4

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Mountain Climbers (20 touches)
10 Situps
10 Supine straight legs kicks (20 total)

1. Suspenion Training "The Swing"
4 rounds of
10 Suspended Front to Back
10 Suspended Push Ups
10 Suspended Pikes
10 Suspended Push Ups
10 Suspended Knees to chest
10 Suspended Push Ups
Rest 1 minute

2.   5 rounds of
10 DB Thruster -- use a weight that's difficult but doable
10 House Pack Get ups  5 each side (like a sandbag getup, but use a 3 inch hosepack instead of sandbag)
10 Basketball Push Ups 5 each side (perform push up with 1 hand on basketball)

3.   5 rounds of
20  Body Squats
10  Pullups
20  Sit ups


Warm Up:
4 rounds of
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
10 renegade rows (5 each) - increase weight each round

1.  Find 1 Rep Max of Squat Clean and Push Press
 -- again, we are getting a down and dirty approximate of your 1 rep max
 -- it should be quick and safe...don't get greedy this time

2.   5 rounds of
     2x Squat clean and Push Press @ 85% of 1RM
     6 Sandbag Get Ups 
     6 1 arm med ball push ups (perform push up with 1 hand on medicine ball) 3 each side

3.   6 rounds of
      5 Front Squats - increase weight until 5 is tough but doable
      5 RDLs (Romanian Dead Lifts)
      5 weighted situps 35#

4.   5 rounds of
      10 Bench Press @ 65% of 1 RM
       1 Weighted sled rope pull or 7 pull ups
      10 Front plate raise 25#
       4 Y&L Shoulder mobility

Training Session 3 -- Work Capacity

Warm up
4 rounds of
10 Barbell Lunges - go up in weight each round
20 yard Bear Crawl
6 Ankles to Bar

1. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Burpee Pull ups
2x KB Swings 42lbs (ie. 20-18-16-14-12...)
Box Jumps
2x Toe Touches

2. 4 rounds of
5 Fire Hydrant and Kickback (EACH LEG)
30 second Plank Walk Ups
8 Push Ups

Notes: Not a timed event, but should be complete from exercise to exercise and circuit to circuit without delay.
Warm up:
5 rounds of
Barbell Complex
10 clapping push ups

1. 1 Rep max Bench Press test - find your approx 1 rep max for Bench Press
     - It should only take a few minutes - if possibe (big if) take th ego out of the bench press and get a good approximation.  We will be testing again in a few weeks anyway.

2. 6 Rounds of:
2x Bench Press @ 85% of 1 rep max from above
7x pull ups
3x Y & L shoulder mobility

3. 6 rounds of:
4x squat cleans @ 75% of 1 RM or where 4 is hard but doable
8x slashers w/ 25 lb plate (16 total) (no halo)
10x Dips
8x weighted situps 25 lbs

4. 6 rounds of:
10 Deadlift - going up in weight each time until 10 is tough but doable
10 Step Ups w/ 50 lbs
 4 scorpions (4 each side)
10 band pull aparts
This is the first workout in our Work Capacity and Strength combo period.

Warm Up:
6 rounds of
6 Spider Pushups
6 Squat Jumps
6 Hip Swivels

Circuit 1
5 rounds for time of:
4 weighted Pull ups (increase weight until 4 is tough but doable)
6 Goblet squats 50 lbs
10 elevated push ups
12 seated russian twists w/ 25 lbs

Circuit 2
5 rounds for time of:
6 DB Push Press 35lbs ea
6 DB Renegade Row 35lbs ea
6 weighted situps 35lbs
6 mountian climber (12 total)

Rest 5 minutes

5 rounds (this circuit is performed briskly with no/little rest, but not as fast as possible)
5 inch worms with push up
10 inverted rows (horizontal pullup)
10 Medicine ball slams 15lbs
5 HUGs


We originally began publishing our training sessions on to share with some of Colorado's Finest Tactical Athletes.  

Our Work Capacity sessions where originally programmed for selected members of the Denver Fire Department to perform while they were on shift.

Our Strength sessions were designed for a team of Green Beret Athletes at Fort Carson to supplement their already extensive stamina and work capacity training. 

Now we have developed our programming around meeting the needs of all Tactical Athletes.  Our training encompasses our entire background of experiences from a Sport Athlete, to Military Athlete, and Rescue Athlete.  These experiences are first hand and our training session are not only programmed by our staff, but also performed by our staff.   

 Our goal is to provide training sessions and information to assists our MILITARY AND RESCUE ATHLETES in becoming STRONGER, FASTER, TOUGHER, and MORE DURABLE professionals.
Our Military and Rescue Athletes need to be extremely versatile athletes.
  • The need for strength and a strong work capacity are extremely important and neither component can be overlooked.  
    • It doesn't matter how fast you can make it to an incident, if you do not have the strength to complete the rescue.
    • It doesn't matter how strong you are if you are spent by the time your strength is needed and cannot perform.
  • Durability and injury prevention are also important for providing a long and lasting career of quality service.
    • A career of 20-30 years with the ability to have an active lifestyle afterwards is the long term goal for our athletes.  

David Hageman , CSCS

Military Athlete Certified Coach
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator, NSCA
Sports Performance Coach, USA Weightlifting
US Army Master Fitness Trainer
SPARQ certified coach
Peer Fitness Trainer/Mentor Denver Fire Department
CrossFit Level I

David is a West Point graduate and has over 15 years experience as a competitive athlete, coach, and trainer.  David served as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at West Point Prep and has also trained Olympic athletes at the United States Olympic Training Center as well as Special Forces soldiers, firefighters, and youth athletes. David was a three year starter and earned All-Conference recognition while playing football for Army at West Point. David still remains active in competition recently earning the gold medal at the Police and Fire Games in the "Toughest Competitor Alive" event. He is a former Army Captain, a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and a Firefighter with the Denver Fire Department.  David also serves as a Strength Coach for Military Athlete, an elite Strength & Conditioning program for Tactical Athletes (   

Ed Kuderski has over 8 years training experience with a variety of athletes. He is CrossFit Level 1 Certified as will as a Military Athlete Coach. He has traveled all over the US studying and training under various coaches and gyms to include Gym Jones,  Rob Shaul at Mountain Athlete and Military Athlete, and numerous CrossFit facilities. He recently competed in the 2009 NorthEast Regional CrossFit Qualifiers and just returned from his CrossFit Level 1 Combat Physical Training Certification. As an athlete himself, Ed's early focus was on baseball where he was a standout athlete. Ed's play caught the attention of scouts from the   Baltimore Orioles minor league system before suffering a career ending.  After the injury, Ed began competing in both cross country and track as a distance runner.  The transition from the two sports was a challenge and this sparked his fascination with training and fundamental conditioning. 

Noah Drucker has an extensive background of academic and athletic experiences. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and was a defensive tackle for the Fighting Irish football team. Noah received his Master’s in Biomechanics at the University of Northern Colorado. After a four-year career in the Arena Football League, Noah retired to train athletes full-time. He has worked with athletes of all ages and abilities, from girls soccer players to professional football players.