Training Session 4

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Mountain Climbers (20 touches)
10 Situps
10 Supine straight legs kicks (20 total)

1. Suspenion Training "The Swing"
4 rounds of
10 Suspended Front to Back
10 Suspended Push Ups
10 Suspended Pikes
10 Suspended Push Ups
10 Suspended Knees to chest
10 Suspended Push Ups
Rest 1 minute

2.   5 rounds of
10 DB Thruster -- use a weight that's difficult but doable
10 House Pack Get ups  5 each side (like a sandbag getup, but use a 3 inch hosepack instead of sandbag)
10 Basketball Push Ups 5 each side (perform push up with 1 hand on basketball)

3.   5 rounds of
20  Body Squats
10  Pullups
20  Sit ups


Warm Up:
4 rounds of
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
10 renegade rows (5 each) - increase weight each round

1.  Find 1 Rep Max of Squat Clean and Push Press
 -- again, we are getting a down and dirty approximate of your 1 rep max
 -- it should be quick and safe...don't get greedy this time

2.   5 rounds of
     2x Squat clean and Push Press @ 85% of 1RM
     6 Sandbag Get Ups 
     6 1 arm med ball push ups (perform push up with 1 hand on medicine ball) 3 each side

3.   6 rounds of
      5 Front Squats - increase weight until 5 is tough but doable
      5 RDLs (Romanian Dead Lifts)
      5 weighted situps 35#

4.   5 rounds of
      10 Bench Press @ 65% of 1 RM
       1 Weighted sled rope pull or 7 pull ups
      10 Front plate raise 25#
       4 Y&L Shoulder mobility