Warm Up: 10 Minutes of Sandbag Get ups @ 80lbs

1) 4 Rounds of
Bench Press - Max Reps @ Bodyweight
Pull Ups (Strict) - Max Reps
5x Bulgarian Split Squats (unloaded...use as a mobility drill)

2) 4 Rounds of
Front Squat - Max Reps @ Bodyweight
2x MB Shoulder Toss  2/2
Foam Roller

3) 1 Rounds of
Max Dead lifts @ 225lbs in 60 sec
10x GHD Sit Ups 5/5
Hip Swivel Stretch

4) 2 Rounds of
HUG Mobility
3x Shoulder Sweep 3/3

Keep the form strict today.  Even though we are doing multiple rounds at max reps, be smart about it. By now, you should know where your limits are.  Use spotters and do not go to complete failure...this will kill your following rounds if you do. On part 3, these are dead stop bouncing the barbell off the floor. Remember, the reason we can use deadlifts for such a circuit is because we demand perfect form on each rep.  If it's not, you are opening yourself up to injury and it is not worth it.