Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex @ 25, 30, 35 lbs
In Step Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x 1 Arm Snatch (3/3) - increase weight each round until 3 is hard but doable (record top weight)
3x Floor Angels (3/3)

2) 6 Rounds of
5x DB/KB Front Squat - increase weight each until 5 is hard but doable (record top weight)
5x DB/KB RDL - increase weight each until 5 is hard but doable (record top weight), use same DB/KB as Front Squat if training with a group
10x Dip Extension Straight leg raises

3) 6 Rounds of
10x Bench Press - try to select a weight the is manageable for the 6 rounds (hint: the clapping push ups and the brisk pace should take a toll on the weight selected)
2x Clapping push up - as high as you can explode up
10x Inverted Row (barbell or rings) or Rope Climb
10x Seated Russian Twists @ 15lbs 10/10

4) 2.5 Minutes Prone Plank Hold

A straight forward strength day.  The pace should be "workman-like" meaning going from one exercise right to the next.  It is not a race or a work capacity session, but the session should be completed in 60 minutes.  On the Lower body portion (DB Fronts Squat and RDLs), concentrate on proper form....weight on heels, toes up, hips pushed back. Squat depth should be below 90 degrees. RDLs - the DBs should be so close to your legs that they are almost touching...going down to almost the top of your shoes, if possible while keeping your back flat - do not arch your back!


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
8x KB Swings @ 20kg
4x Pull Ups
8x Sit Ups
100m Run
Foam Roller Low Back

1) 4 Rounds of
200m Sprint
Rest 1:30

2) 4 Rounds of
100m Sprint
Rest 1:30

3) Perform the following every minute on the minute for 5 Minutes
4x Burpees
1x 60 yard shuttle sprint (5yards and back, 10 yards and back, 15 yards and back)

4) 4 Rounds of
5x Laying Straight Leg Raise Stretch (5/5)
5x Standing Ab Wheel
5x Kneeling Keg Lift (5/5) @ 50lbs (use 45lbs plate if not SB or Heavy MBs)

5) 4 Rounds of
10x GDH Raises
10x Weighted Dips
10x Barbell Curl

Sprint Day - We are starting with some longer sprints, but giving you enough time to recover.  Make sure you are properly warmed up before going full throttle on the sprints to avoid any pulls or strains.  Part 4 and 5 are core circuits with some added arm work.  Make sure you get it in.


60 Minute Run at a moderate pace

10 minute stretch afterwards


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
10x Barbell Dead Lift @ 135
10x Push Up on Barbell
5x 1-arm DB Situp (5/5)
Rope Climb
5x Superman Holds

1) 6 Rounds of
3x Deadlift - Increase weight as your form allows
3x Hip Swivel Stretch

2) 6 Rounds of
5x Weighted Pull Ups
5x Plyo Depth Push Ups
3x Floor Angels

3) 6 Rounds of
5x Hang Squat Clean
3x Box Jumps - increase box height each round
Instep Stretch

I'm always preaching this: We can only use deadlifts, if our athletes can perform them correctly.  The deadlift is one of those exercises that most people will shy away from because of the potential for injury.  If you perform them correctly and do not sacrifice form for the weight on the bar, you will be able to reap the benefits of this foundational exercise.  If your form breaks down if you go heavier than 225, then don't go heavier than 225 until you can get in front of a coach that can assist you. Keep the reps crisp.  Now in circuit 2, you need to push yourself and your loading.  On the Pull Ups....straight arms to chin over the bar is the proper range of motion.  Plyo Depth Push Ups are an awesome upper body explosive exercise.  Keep building the height, but emphasize the explosiveness.


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2. 1 reps of
KB Swings @ 20kg
Inverted Rows (barbell or Rings)
Sit Ups
50m Run

1) 10 Rounds for time of
8x Ball Slams @ 25lbs
4x Burpees
8x Kneeling Curl To Press @ 25lb DBs
4x Pull Ups
50m Run

2) 4 Rounds of
5x Standing Russian Twists 5/5 - increase loading each round
5x Standing Ab Wheel
10x Laying Tricep Extension - (Aka - Skull crushers)

5) 4 Rounds of 
10x GDH Raises
10x Standing DB Curl
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex