Warm Up:
3 rounds of "Barbell Complex"
w/ 6 situps
1) Find approx Dead Lift 1 Rep Max
2) 4 rounds of
2 Dead Lifts @ 85% of 1 RM
1 HUG mobility
1 Knee to Chest mobility
3) 5 rounds of
6 Barbell Overhead Squat
6 Jump Squats
8 TRX of Ring Push Ups
8 Weighted Sit Ups
4) 5 Rounds of
8 DB Push Press
8 DB 1 Arm Row (8L/ 8R)
8 DB Lateral Raise
8 DB Bent over Rear Delt
***You should not spend all day getting your 1 RM. Obviously be safe and use proper form, but it's an approx value. Perform the session at a brisk pace. It should not be a sprint yet it is not a time to BS and take 3 minutes between sets. Work briskfully and get it done in 60 min or less.