On Saturday December 5th, DRIVEN STRONG participated in the Workout Session for the victims of the Ft. Hood Shootings. 
Many in the CrossFit community were affected by the tragic shootings at Fort Hood, but none as directly as  Lumberjack Crossfit .  Four members of that affiliate were killed.
CrossFit is launching a hero WOD fundraiser for our four fallen Soldiers. On December 5th, we are asking affiliates and individuals to do two things: participate in the workout (as a display of solidarity with Lumberjack CrossFit) and to reach out to family, friends, and strangers to donate whatever you can.

Here's the workout:
20 275lbs Dead Lifts
400m run
20 32kg KB Swings
400m run
20 115lb OHS
400m run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 Pull ups (chest to bar)
400m run
20 Box Jumps
400m run
20 95lb Squat clean
400m run