Warm up:
3 rounds of
5 Goblet Squats
5 Ankles to Bar
5 Push Ups
10 Seated Russian Twists (10L/10R)

1) Find Approx Front Squat 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Front Squats at 85% of 1 RM
2 HUG mobility
*** Keep in mind the quality of your 1 Rep Max will dictate the quality of your 2 reps @ 85%.  What this means is if your form was not to standard for getting your 1 RM, but you "sucked it up" and sacrificed form to get a heavier weight, then your reps at 85% of that weight will be of a similar standard.  Bottom line: DO NOT SACRIFICE FORM TO LIFT HEAVIER WEIGHT....IT WILL COME BACK TO KICK YOUR ASS.

3) 6 rounds of
5 DB Push Press (go Heavy)
5 DB Rows (5L/5R...go Heavy)
5 Air Squats (recovery form and work your Range of Motion on these squats)
2 Y&L Mobility

4) 5 rounds of
6 Sand Bag (SB) Half Moons (3L/3R)
6 "The Exercise" (1 hang snatch 1 overhead squat)
6 Scorpions