Congrats to Kim! Four days after winning 2 medals in the Police and Fire Games, she competed in her first Triathlon.  She placed 61st out of 2411 participants...750m swim, 11 mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. Great Work!

AUG 15, 2011


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
5x SG (Snatch Grip) RDL
5x SG Hi Pulls
5x Overhead Squat
5x Full Squat Snatch
Foam Roller

1) 6 Rounds of
3x Squat Snatch - increase weight until 3 is hard bit doable with good form
2x Hip Swivels 2/2

2) 5 Rounds of
6x DB Front Squat - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable immediately into...
3 Jump Squats
Prisoner's Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
10x Bench Press - increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
8x Elevated Ring Rows
3x Ride it Down Squats