Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
2x Turkish Getups @ 12kg 2L/2R
10x KB Swings @ 12 kgs
10x Air Squats
4x Jump Squats
Foam Roller

1) 8 Rounds for Time of
3x KB Right Arm Snatches @ 24KG/12KG
2x KB Turkish GetUps @ 24 KG/12KG
3x KB Left Arm Snatches @ 24KG/12KG
2x KB Turkish GetUps @ 24KG/12KG
200m Run

2) 4 Rounds of
10x Standing Russian Twists 10/10
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex

3) 2 Rounds of
35 Sec Jane Fonda's
50x Shoulder Hand Jobs 50/50 @ 2.5 lbs