Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Front Squat - progress each round for your front squat warm up  (i.e. 135, 185, 225, 255)
5x Strict Pull Ups
8x Dips
5x Burpees
2x Floor Angels 2/2

1. Find Front Squat 1 Rep Max

2. 6 Rounds of
2x Front Squat @ 85% of 1 RM
Instep Stretch

3. 6 Rounds of
5x Push Press - increase weight rapidly until 5 is hard but doable
5x T-Bar Barbell Row
10x Sit ups (no weight)
2x Ride it Down Squat 12kg

4. 6 Rounds of
5x Power Snatch - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
3x Broad Jumps - no rest between jumps
Ultimate shoulder stretch

We are maxing out on front squat today.  Make sure you take advantage of the warm up for finding your max. Like always, get your max and move on.  Take the ego out of it and make sure you are performing quality reps.  If not, it ends up looking like a high school weight room scene with athletes loading up the weight and using terrible form and range of motion. Be a professional and take ownership of each rep.  No amount of progress in the weight room is worth an injury, so clean it up and progress with good form.  This will keep you injury free, but also increase your flexibility, mobility, and overall durability.