1) 1.5 mile run in 25lb weight vest

2) 4 round in 25lb weight vest of
15ft Rope Climb (yes, in vest...we added this one)
250 step ups
half mile run

3) 1.5 mile run - no vest

We did this session last week, so come prepared to work.  Here's a little sneak peak into what we are looking for (Rob Shaul always says it best):

We are really interested in the performance of today's sessions - a repeat from last week, the last session in our 2 week stamina cycle and the only repeat session this cycle. 

Remember - stamina cycles have two goals - 
1) train recovery - your body becomes accustom to such volume (amount of work) a will not be as sore toward the end,
2) train mental attitude towards bunches of work. (Mental focus and discipline)

So, we're interested in how our athletes feel right before today's session ..... are they as sore as last week? (hopefully not if they've been training with us 5x a week for the entire 2 weeks). Are they dreading the session? (hopefully they are bringing a professional and workman-like attitude to the gym), etc. 

If athletes are where we want them to be, the stamina cycle has done its job.