Warm Up: 4 Rounds with a 45lb Plate of
10x Plate Swings
10x Plate Squats
5x Plate Cork Screws 5/5
50m Run
Prisoner Stretch

1)8 Rounds of
50m Sprint
1 Minute Rest

2) 20 Rounds of
5x Air Squats
25m Sprint
45 sec rest
** Emphasize the sprint.  A 45 sec rest is a lot for a 25m Sprint, so go full speed on each one.

2) 10 Rounds of
5x Jump Squat (as high as possible)
15 m Sprint
30 Seconds Rest
** Emphasize the jump and the sprint.  Again, 30 sec is plenty of rest for this distance, so go full speed on each one.

4 Rounds of
5x Stand SB Keg Lifts @ 80lbs 5/5
10x Dip Extension Straight Leg Raises
10x Superman extensions and hold for 3 seconds each
45 sec side plank holds

Sprints again.  We were significantly less sore than the first week when we did this session.  Again, make sure you are warmed up before you go all out.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs
In Step Stretch

1) 5 Rounds of
2x DB 1-Arm Snatch 2/2 @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Floor Angels

3) 5 Rounds of
6x DB Front Squat - increase each round until 6 is hard but doable
6x DB RDL - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x Push Ups
Prisoner Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
10x Bench Press - increase weight....
3x Clapping push ups
10x Ring Rows
Pigeon Stretch

This is the third week of this session.  Challenge the weight you use and progress.

Warm Up:
5 minutes foam roller

2 rounds of:
12 BB RDLs
12 BB High Pulls
12 Push Press
12 Good Mornings
12 Situps

1) With a running clock perform the following every two minutes for 20 minutes
10 KB Snatch (5L/5R)
 2 KB Turkish Get Ups (1L/1R)
 6 1 Arm KB Sit Ups (3L/3R)

2) 5 Rounds of
8x Kneeling KB Slashers @ 16kgs 8/8
8x GHD Raises or nordic leg curls
8x Ankels to Bar
60 sec side plank hold 30/30


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Front Squat - progress each round for your front squat warm up  (i.e. 135, 185, 225, 255)
5x Strict Pull Ups
8x Dips
5x Burpees
2x Floor Angels 2/2

1. Find Front Squat 1 Rep Max

2. 6 Rounds of
2x Front Squat @ 85% of 1 RM
Instep Stretch

3. 6 Rounds of
5x Push Press - increase weight rapidly until 5 is hard but doable
5x T-Bar Barbell Row
10x Sit ups (no weight)
2x Ride it Down Squat 12kg

4. 6 Rounds of
5x Power Snatch - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
3x Broad Jumps - no rest between jumps
Ultimate shoulder stretch

We are maxing out on front squat today.  Make sure you take advantage of the warm up for finding your max. Like always, get your max and move on.  Take the ego out of it and make sure you are performing quality reps.  If not, it ends up looking like a high school weight room scene with athletes loading up the weight and using terrible form and range of motion. Be a professional and take ownership of each rep.  No amount of progress in the weight room is worth an injury, so clean it up and progress with good form.  This will keep you injury free, but also increase your flexibility, mobility, and overall durability.

45 minute run at moderate pace.

You should feel less sore than you did last week.  The first session of sprints is an eye opener to a totally different training intensity and your body will feel it.  Use these recovery runs to work out the soreness. Your body will feel better after getting it in.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds with a 45lb Plate of
10x Plate Swings
10x Plate Squats
5x Plate Cork Screws 5/5
50m Run
Prisoner Stretch

1)8 Rounds of
50m Sprint
1 Minute Rest

2) 20 Rounds of
5x Air Squats
25m Sprint
45 sec rest
** Emphasize the sprint.  A 45 sec rest is a lot for a 25m Sprint, so go full speed on each one.

2) 10 Rounds of
5x Jump Squat (as high as possible)
15 m Sprint
30 Seconds Rest
** Emphasize the jump and the sprint.  Again, 30 sec is plenty of rest for this distance, so go full speed on each one.

4 Rounds of
5x Stand SB Keg Lifts @ 80lbs 5/5
10x Dip Extension Straight Leg Raises
10x Superman extensions and hold for 3 seconds each
45 sec side plank holds

Similar to last week.  Short sprints, but extremely intense.  Make sure you are warmed up properly. If you haven't sprinted like this in a while, you need to start slower and gradually increase the intensity.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs
In Step Stretch

1) 5 Rounds of
2x DB 1-Arm Snatch 2/2 @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Floor Angels

3) 5 Rounds of
6x DB Front Squat - increase each round until 6 is hard but doable
6x DB RDL - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x Push Ups
Prisoner Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
10x Bench Press - increase weight....
3x Clapping push ups
10x Ring Rows
Pigeon Stretch

Same session as last week.  You should be a little more comfortable with the DB work, now try to progress the weight while keeping with quality reps (full range of motion).

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex @ 75 lbs
200m Run

1) 20,18,16,14.....2 reps of
KB Swings @ 32kg
Push Ups
Sit Ups
1/2 Box Jumps @ 24in
100m Run

2) 6 Rounds of
8x Ankles to Bar
8x Slashers (8/8) 20kg
8x Back Extensions
30 sec elevated side plank hold (one side each round)

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Deadlift - progress each round for your dead lift warm up  (i.e. 115, 135, 185, 225)
5x Strict Pull Ups
8x Dips
5x Burpees
2x Floor Angels 2/2

1. Find Dead Lift 1 Rep Max

2. 6 Rounds of
2x Dead Lifts @ 85% of 1 RM
Instep Stretch

3. 6 Rounds of
5x Close Grip Bench Press - increase weight rapidly until 5 is hard but doable
5x 1-arm dumbbell row 5/5
10x Sit ups (no weight)
2x Ride it Down Squat 12kg

4. 6 Rounds of
5x Curtis P's - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
3x Broad Jumps - no rest between jumps
Ultimate shoulder stretch

RUCK/HIKE/STAIRS for 45 minutes with 35# at a moderate pace.

It's amazing how sore sprints will make you if you haven't been training in that mode on a regular basis.  Today is obviously stamina, but it is a recovery session as well, so it is important to get it in.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds with a 45lb Plate of
10x Plate Swings
10x Plate Squats
5x Plate Cork Screws 5/5
50m Run
Prisoner Stretch

1) 20 Rounds of
5x Plate Swing (45lb plate)
50m Sprint
1 minute rest
** Emphasize the sprint.  A minute rest is a lot for a 50m Sprint, so go full speed on each one.

2) 10 Rounds of
5x Jump Squat (as high as possible)
25m Sprint
45 Seconds Rest
** Emphasize the jump and the sprint.  Again, 45 sec is plenty of rest for this distance, so go full speed on each one.

4 Rounds of
5x Stand SB Keg Lifts @ 80lbs 5/5
10x Dip Extension Straight Leg Raises
10x Superman extensions and hold for 3 seconds each
45 sec side plank holds

This will leave you a little sore for the next few days, but it's needed. All out sprint work is often overlooked in this programming because there is usually some amount of pacing involved.  Not in this session. You will have enough rest, so hit it hard.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs
In Step Stretch

1) Find DB 1-Arm Snatch 1 Rep Max

2) 5 Rounds of
2x DB 1-Arm Snatch 2/2 @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Floor Angels

3) 5 Rounds of
6x DB Front Squat - increase each round until 6 is hard but doable
6x DB RDL - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x Push Ups
Prisoner Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
10x Bench Press - increase weight....
3x Clapping push ups
10x Ring Rows
Pigeon Stretch

You should be itching to get back in the gym, if you were following our advice. We extended the rest throughout the week, so we could start fresh on Monday.

This is the beginning of our 3 week strength cycle.  We are going to try and keep the format throughout the 3 weeks, so you'll have a better idea of what to expect and will be able to see some progression.  For those who know my training philosophy, you know I like switching to dumbbell work every so often.  The 1 Arm DB Snatch and DB Front Squats are two of my favorite lifts.  While rehabbing a knee injury back in the Gym Rat days, I worked exclusively with DBs and have incredible success. When working with barbell exercises, me and many others, are always aware of how much weight is on the barbell.  Even though we know better, we will sacrifice form and range of motion to get where we think we need to be with the amount of plates on each side. So while battling back from injury, I left the barbells alone and did DB work exclusively for lower body.  I did not care how much weight I was using and only cared about quality reps and proper form.  This pushed my training to a new level and as a result I use it for my athletes to show them what proper form should look/feel like. Take advantage of these exercises and start lighter and work up in weight as your form lets you.  We will be hitting these exercises throughout the cycle, so record them and progress them.  Your range of motion will increase and your lower back will magically feel better.

After the 2 week Stamina Cycle ... I am kicking my athletes out of the gym for a week of total rest   We start up again  with Strength. Take advantage of it and don't feel bad.  You need to be smart about overtraining and the stamina cycle is pretty close to it, so the time off is needed.

1) 1.5 mile run in 25lb weight vest

2) 4 round in 25lb weight vest of
15ft Rope Climb (yes, in vest...we added this one)
250 step ups
half mile run

3) 1.5 mile run - no vest

We did this session last week, so come prepared to work.  Here's a little sneak peak into what we are looking for (Rob Shaul always says it best):

We are really interested in the performance of today's sessions - a repeat from last week, the last session in our 2 week stamina cycle and the only repeat session this cycle. 

Remember - stamina cycles have two goals - 
1) train recovery - your body becomes accustom to such volume (amount of work) a will not be as sore toward the end,
2) train mental attitude towards bunches of work. (Mental focus and discipline)

So, we're interested in how our athletes feel right before today's session ..... are they as sore as last week? (hopefully not if they've been training with us 5x a week for the entire 2 weeks). Are they dreading the session? (hopefully they are bringing a professional and workman-like attitude to the gym), etc. 

If athletes are where we want them to be, the stamina cycle has done its job. 

Warm Up: 3 Rounds using only the 45 lb bar of
5x Snatch Grip RDL
5x Hang Snatch Hi Pull
5x Overhead Squat
5x Hang Clean Snatch
10x Sit Ups

1) 8 rounds of
3x The Exercise - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
1/2 HUG Mobility (do one side each round...i.e. right side on round 1, left side on round 2, right side on round 3, etc..)

2) 5 Rounds of
6x DB/KB Front Squat - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
Instep Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
6x Pull Ups
12x Dips
12x Push Ups

When we have a strength day during our stamina cycle it serves as a strength maintenance rather than a day for gains.  This doesn't mean you go through the motions, just the opposite. You need to hit it hard so you do not lose the progress you've made in the last few months.
Single Mode Stamina

60 Minute Run at a Moderate Pace.

This run felt great.  It was a nice physical and mental break from the grueling gym-based stamina sessions.  We felt recharged after this run.  Keep the pace comfortable, but not too easy.

Below is some reminder info about our RESCUE STRENGTH. I've had some people email me during a stamina session and think it is totally insane that we do this much volume.  It is a lot and that is why we only do it for two weeks...followed by 5 days of complete rest.  If you think about it 1 - two hour session 6x a year (that's how often we do a stamina cycle) is nothing in comparison to training for endurance events, participating in an adventure race, going on a hunt, playing a football game, etc... Keep it all in perspective as to what you are training for.

Our Program is not easy and it is not designed for everyone.  There many other programs out there that are easier and others that are designed for beginners.  Our program is for those individuals who are looking for an elite and balanced strength AND conditioning program to follow.  Many of us are old "Gym Rats" that love lifting weights, but understand the need to be able transfer that strength into our real world events.  Much of our philosophy and programming is adopted from Rob Shaul and the Military Athlete Program, which we are actively a part of.

About our TRAINING:
  • We focus on Balanced Strength, Work Capacity, Stamina, and Durability.
  • Our Strength days are total body lifts that rotate through different volumes and intensities
  • Our Work Capacity sessions are high intensity intervals that not only challenge our physical fitness, but our mental capacity as well.
  • Our Stamina session are a necessary evil.  They are longer duration sessions designed to be completed at lower intensities. These are usually single mode events such as runs, rucks, or stair climbs. Our Stamina Cycles,  however, are a combination of gym work and outside training.  Our stamina cycles are very intense, high volume, long duration events. They are designed to train Recovery. We are not only training “stamina” but we are also attempting to train recovery from endurance events. It’s been our experience that relatively short, intense, work capacity sessions alone do a great job preparing an athlete for a single, long, endurance push. But you’ll be trashed the next day. Short, intense events do not train recovery. Only stamina sessions do. Pre-conditioning the muscle endurance and connective tissue transfers directly to decreased soreness and faster recovery time after an event.  This is important on multi-day events and multi-event days.
The best way to start is to jump right in and do what you can and learn as you go (try not to start during a stamina cycle). Gradually get used to the tempo, exercises, and properly learn the technique before you start throwing a lot of weight on the bar. Easier said then done, but we are in this for the long haul, so use common sense. 
OUR PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO BE FOLLOWED CONSECUTIVELY, 5 days a week...not just picked through to find one that catches the eye.  This is the biggest difference between "working out" and actually "training".  Most people can design and complete a workout for a single session or two, but to get real results... athletes need to start "Training".  This means following a program that has a strategy, goals, are periodized, and provide balanced training.  People who just "workout" rarely see the result they are looking for and continually jump from program to program sporadically sampling different workouts, which makes it difficult to progress.


  • Stop "working out" and start "training"!
  • During training sessions, work hard and move quickly. Hard work, intensity, and minimal rest while training is what we expect and is what will make our training most effective. If you aren’t willing to work hard, are program is not for you.
  • Don’t be ignorant. There is always someone out there who is bigger, stronger, and faster. Judge your successes against the former you, not training partners.
  • Don’t expect immediate results. There is no shortcut to getting strong or being fit. Relish the work. Enjoy the sweat. Welcome the pain.
  • Don’t worry about how you look, worry about how you perform. The looks will come.
  • Our Training Program works. If you are not getting the results you desire, STOP EATING LIKE CRAP, train consistently,  train with more intensity, and maximize your recovery through proper nutrition, rest, massages, or a few extra minutes on the foam roller.


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
3x SB Get Ups (3/3)
6x Jump Squats
100m Run

1) 8 Rounds of
2x SB Get Ups @ 80bs 2/2
20 yard sprint (sprint 10 yards touch line and sprint back)
2x SB Power Clean @ 80lbs 2/2
20 yard sprint (sprint 10 yards touch line and sprint back)

2) 6 Rounds of
5x Bench Press - heavy, but with good bar speed immediately into...
3x MB Chest Push
5x Bicep Curl
Knee to Chest Complex

3) 6 Rounds of
6x Rope Pull Ups
50ft Rope Pull
Fire Hydrant Mobility (5/5/5/5)

Warm Up: 6 Rounds of
Barbell Complex (45,55,65,75,85,95)
6x Sit Ups
2x Floor Angels (2/2)

1) 10 Rounds @ 16kg of
5x KB Swings (2 hands)
5x KB Clean and Squat Right arm
5x KB Clean and Squat Left arm
5x KB Snatch Right arm
5x KB Snatch Left arm
10x Push Ups
400m Run

2) 10 Rounds of
5x Pull Ups
5x Box Jumps @ 24"
5x Ball Slams @ 30lbs
5x Burpees
200m Run

3) 10 Rounds of
5x Bench lateral Jumps 5/5
5x Push Press @ 75lbs
5x Walking Lunges @ 75lbs 5/5
10x Sit Ups

A Gym based stamina session to start off the second week of stamina training. I learned the concept of training stamina in a 2 week cycle from Rob Shaul and Military Athlete.
The Stamina session is used to:
1. Train Recovery - your body will adapt to the high volume of work, so when you are faced with a extremely taxing event, your body will not be completely useless for the days to come. 
2. Train Mental Toughness  - these are by far the most mentally demanding sessions.  Learn to suck it up in the gym and that will carry over to outside the gym.


Warm Up:
4-way Manual Neck

3 rounds of
5x Left Hand KB Swings
5x Left Hand KB Snatches
5x Left Shoulder KB Shoulder hold lunge

5x Right Hand KB Swings
5x Right Hand KB Snatches
5x Right Shoulder KB Shoulder hold lunge
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of 
100lb Plate Carry 50m
3x Box Jumps at 42"
3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex

2) 8 Rounds of 
6x Tire Flips
3x Jump Squats
2x Ride it Down Squat

3) 8 Rounds of 
3x 245lb Trap Bar Deadlifts
100m Sprint
Alternating Walking Straight Leg kicks

It was a great day outside, so we scrapped out gym based stamina session for a strongman-style stamina session outside.  We chose a few exercises that really hit the core and compounded them immediately with an explosive movement.  For the plate carry we used a 100lbs plate.  It felt light at first, but toward the ends of the eight rounds our biceps were on fire.  On the last circuit, we used a moderate weight for the deadlift and really concentrated on the sprint afterward.  We were pretty sore after this session, especially our arms.


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex @ 12kg

1) 10 rounds for time of
5x Burpees
5x 24" Box Jumps
5x Pull Ups
10x Push Ups

2) 5 Rounds of
5x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lifts 5/5 @ 60lbs
10x Dip Extension Straight leg Raises
60 Sec AB Bridge Complex (20/20/20)

3) 2 Rounds of
30 Sec Jane Fondas

This was a high intensity circuit after a brutal long one yesterday.  Surprisingly we were too sore after wednesday's session, so this felt good to get in a quick and dirty 10 minute (if your fast sessions).