Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
100m Run
4 Pull Ups
8 Air Squats
4 jump squats
8 Push Ups
Instep Stretch

1) Perform the following every minute for 10 minutes:
5x Burpees
3x KB Snatches @ 20kg (3/3)
4x Pull Ups

Rest 5 minutes between circuits

2) Max number of SB Get ups in 10 minutes @ 80lbs

3) 4 Rounds of 
10x Weighted Situps @ 25 (overhead)
10x Superman Extensions (extend and hold for 5 sec each)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex

4) 2 Rounds of 
30 Sec Jane Fondas

We were still sore from monday, but we hit this pretty hard.  Two short duration high intensity circuits and sore core work.  Strength Day tomorrow.