Warm Up: 2 rounds of
KB Mobility Complex
100m Run

1) 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of
Sandbag Get ups @ 80lbs each side
2x KB Swings @ 20kgs (18,16,14,12,etc...)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 reps of
Ankles to Bar

2) 2 Rounds of
30 Sec Jane Fondas

The first rounds should look like this: 9x Sandbag get ups on each side (a total of 18 get ups), 18x KB Swings, 1x Burpee, and 1x Ankle to Bar.  The last round should be 1 Sandbag Get up each side ( a total of 2x get ups, 2x KB Swings, 9x Burpees, and 9x Ankles to Bar).  This is a tough session just for the fact once an exercise is getting easier (meaning less reps) the other is getting harder.  The sandbag get ups take the most out of you, but after you're done you realize it wasn't that bad.  If you can finish under 30 minutes, you are in good shape.  Troy finished in 24:47 if you are looking for a type to beat.