
1) 1.5 mile run in 25lb weight vest

2) 4 round in 25lb weight vest of
250 step ups
half mile run

3) 1.5 mile run - no vest

The added weight of the 25lb makes a difference, especially on the step ups.  4 Rounds doesn't seem like a lot, but 250 step ups will eat up a lot of time.  For most of our athletes, 25lb of external weight in equipment is very real, so operating for a longer period of time with such a load is very relevant.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Bench Press - increase weight each round as warm up for 1st circuit
5x Standing Russian twist and lunge 5/5
Foam Roller

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
3x Ride it Down Squat @ 20kg
Hip Swivel Stretch

2) 6 Rounds of
5x T-Bar Barbell Row - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
5x Weighted Dips - increase weight
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

3) 6 Rounds of
5x Hang Power Snatch
3x Broad Jumps
Prisoner's Stretch

1) Perform the Following for 35 minutes:
400m Run
15x Back Squats @ 95lbs
5x Ankles to Bar
5x Mr. Spectaculars @ 16kgs
15x Donkey Kicks each leg

As soon as the 35 minutes is up, go right into the next circuit

2) 12 Rounds of
100m Run
15x Kb Swings @ 20 kg
5x Pull Ups
5x 1-leg KB Deadlift @ 24kg 5/5
15x Seated Russian Twists @ 15lb (use 15lb bumper plates, if you do not have them do 10 each side with 25lbs)

For today we are doing two longer work capacity sessions.  Each circuit should last around the same time.  The pace should be pretty good.  You obviously cannot keep the gas pedal floored for the duration of the training, but you need to hit it at a pretty good pace. The rounds for time on the second circuit was put that way for a reason...the faster you go, the quicker you get done.  This was a good week of training for my group.  Tomorrow will be a strength session.  As always, let me know if you have any questions and keep me posted on your progress - Dave.

Work Capacity (outside effort)

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
20x Single Count Jumping Jacks
10x Air Squats
Prisoner Stretch

1) 20 Rounds of
4x Burpees (without chest to ground/no push up)
8x KB Swings @ 24kg
120m Run
30 sec rest

2) 4 Rounds of
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25lbs
10x Birddogs 10/10
10x Seated Russian Twists @ 25lbs 10/10
60 Sec side plank hold 30/30

If you're moving, the 20 rounds should take a little over 33 minutes.  The 30 seconds rest is not optional...if you don't, the intensity takes a dump and you lose the effect of the session.  We've been getting outside a little more and working in a lot more running.  It is important.


Warm Up: 3 Rounds
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round (i.e. 75, 85, 95lbs)
3x Ride it Down Squat

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Front Squat - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
6x Rear Dealt Ring Flys

2) 6 Rounds of
5x Bench Press - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
4x Plyo side to side push ups
5x Weighted Pull Ups

3) 6 Rounds of
5x DB 1-arm Snatch (5L/5R) - Increase weight unitl HBD (hard but doable)
3x Box jump for max height
Hip Swivel Stretch

Great Strength Day.  Increase the weight as much as possible while keeping good form and range of motion.  You should be hitting your top weight at round 4 and continue that weight throughout.  Increase if you have to, but try not to drop down.  The rear dealt fly are a new addition to a reglected area.  Use these 6 reps as more of a mobility drill rather than a strength building exercises.  You should get through those 6 reps shouldn't be a struggle.  We've been hitting the box jump quite a bit.  Continue to increase the height and challenge your athleticism.  Box jump for height (rather than box jumps where you do them as fast as possible) make you feel like an athlete again.

1. 8

45 Minutes Run at Moderate Pace

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
800m Run
8x Dead lift @135
8x Push Ups
Foam Roller

1) 8 Rounds for time of
400m Run
8x Box jumps @ 24"
8x Dead lifts @ 225

2) 4 rounds of
10x Slasher to Halos 16kg (10/10)
10x Back Extensions
60 sec Side Plank Hold (30/30)

Warm up: 4 rounds of
5x snatch grip rdl
5x snatch grip hi pulls
5x hang power snatch
5x overhead squat
5x seated Russian twists @45 10/10
Ultimate shoulder stretch
-- start with bar and increase weight as needed for warm up

1. 8 rounds of
3x hang power snatch + HBD (Increase weight until 3 reps is hard but doable)
Hip swivel stretch

2. 6 rounds of 
5x back squat + HBD(hard but doable)
3x burpee broad jumps
3x shouler sweep

3. 6 rounds of
8x alternating db bench press 8/8 +HBD
8x 1-arm row
25x glute leg lift 25/25

Warm Up: 2 rounds of
KB Mobility Complex
100m Run

1) 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of
Sandbag Get ups @ 80lbs each side
2x KB Swings @ 20kgs (18,16,14,12,etc...)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 reps of
Ankles to Bar

2) 2 Rounds of
30 Sec Jane Fondas

The first rounds should look like this: 9x Sandbag get ups on each side (a total of 18 get ups), 18x KB Swings, 1x Burpee, and 1x Ankle to Bar.  The last round should be 1 Sandbag Get up each side ( a total of 2x get ups, 2x KB Swings, 9x Burpees, and 9x Ankles to Bar).  This is a tough session just for the fact once an exercise is getting easier (meaning less reps) the other is getting harder.  The sandbag get ups take the most out of you, but after you're done you realize it wasn't that bad.  If you can finish under 30 minutes, you are in good shape.  Troy finished in 24:47 if you are looking for a type to beat.

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
10x KB Swings @ 16kg
120m Run
In Step Stretch

1) 5 Rounds of
800m Run (sprint)
1 minute rest

Rest 5 minutes

2) Perform one 120m run every minute for 10 minutes

3) 4 Rounds of
5x Standing Ab Wheel
10x Standing Russian Twists 10/10
Hamstring Hell
60 Sec Side Plank Hold (30/30)

Our second time doing this session.  We had a better idea of the pace that we could use during the 800 and was able to lower our split time.   Remember to hit the 800m sprint hard! You have a minute to rest after each run and you'll need it. The 120m sprints aren't too bad, but you'll need to take them one sprint at a time. As always, the core circuit is challenging, but cannot be discounted...these exercises are what is going to keep you healthy and reduce those nagging injuries. Remember, No Shortcuts!

Here is an interesting article about from Alwyn's worth a read:

After presenting in Seattle this weekend, I took some time to walk up to visit Bruce Lee's grave.
Bruce Lee was a huge inspiration to me as a young martial artist, and I think that was true for thousands of martial arts practitioners so his grave is visited often.
In fact, Dana White has said that Bruce Lee was the ""Godfather of Mixed Martial Arts".
Bruce Lee passed away in 1973. Some time in the 60's he developed a philosophy that there was no single best martial art. Lee felt that fighters needed to cross train in different systems as they all had their strengths and weaknesses. This was best summed up by his famous quote:
Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless.
Accept no way as the way, accept no limitation as limitation
Bruce Lee was violently criticized because of this. Martial artists fought it. They didn't want to hear it. They wanted to believe that their own style - their own little world - was superior....
In 1993 the ultimate fighting championship was created.
The initial concept was to determine which martial art - under a no holds barred scenario was superior.
It was karate vs judo vs wrestling vs boxing etc.
Fast forward 18 years.....
We no longer talk about martial art styles -- we talk about MIXED martial arts. It's a mainstream term.
We no longer use the term 'style' to describe a fighter -- we say "he has good stand-up" or a "good ground game".
Because martial arts have evolved and have embraced a totality. Bruce Lee was correct - there was no superior style. Everything had strengths and weaknesses. In fact, styles were a reductionist approach.
A strong guy  in the American mid-west became a wrestler. A tall kid in Thailand went to kickboxing etc....
But a holistic or total approach to fighting was always superior. A mixed system using the strengths of each to create the best approach possible.
Here we are, 37 years since Lee's death and the martial arts world has embraced that ideology completely.
But in our world - the fitness world -  we are still arguing about which method is better - powerlifting vs olympic lifting, aerobics vs intervals.... Which certification? Which course? DB's or Kb's? FMS or another evaluation? "If you could only pick one exercise....."
The answer has to be -- there is no one single best approach. A hybrid approach will always be superior.
But this does not mean "dabbling" or just picking stuff you like in training. Lee's approach was to immerse yourself totally in one style to truly understand it.
From wikipedia:
[Absorbing what is useful] ... is the idea that a martial artist can only learn techniques in their proper context, through a holistic approach. Styles provide more than just techniques: They also offer training methods, theories, and mental attitudes. Learning these factors allows a student to experience a system in what Lee called its "totality". Only through learning a system completely will an artist be able to, "absorb what is useful," and discard the remainder. Real combat training situations allow the student to learn what works, and what doesn't. The critical point of this principle is that the choice of what to keep is based on personal experimentation with various opponents over time. It is not based on how a technique may look or feel, or how precisely the artist can mimic tradition. In the final analysis, if the technique is not beneficial in combat, it is discarded. Lee believed that only the individual could come to understand what worked; based on critical self analysis, and by, "honestly expressing oneself, without lying to oneself."
In Lee's world - the Litmus test of a technique is it's effectiveness in an actual combat situation.
In our world we can only evaluate a training philosophy honestly by first understanding it completely and then looking at the results it produces consistently over time with our clients. At Results Fitness, if it works, we use it. If it doesn't we disregard it.
We need to evolve from this reductionist approach and follow Bruce Lee's lead. We need to become "mixed" training specialists.
Absorb what is useful


45 Minute Run - Moderate Pace

We will be going into a stamina cycle, so use this day to become accustum to hitting the trail again with Long Slow Distance.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex at 75lbs
Prisoner's Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press @ roughly 80% of 1 RM
6x Barbell Bicep Curl
Hip Swivel Stretch

2) 6 Rounds of
Sled Pull, Push, and Sprint
3x Squat to Stand

3) 6 Rounds of
10x Trap Bar Deadlift
3x Box Jump for max height
10x Suspended front to bank

A solid strength day with heavy bench, sled work and dead lifts. We used roughly 80% of our 1 rep max for Bench Press, but some of us were able to increase that weight a little.  For the last circuit, we used a 45lb trap bar for our dead lifts with two hundred lb plates.  It was a little lighter, but everyone kept good form and was able to hit their box jumps hard.  We are working on our explosiveness with our complex training and I like using box jumps because it is tangible and makes you push yourself.
Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
4x SandBag Clean and Squat and 10 yd run
3x Ride it Down Squat

1) 8 Rounds for time of
12x Sandbag Front Squats
6x Ring Dips
6x Ball Slams @ 50lbs or 10x Ball Slams @ 25lbs

2) 4 Rounds of
5x Standing Ab Wheel
Hamstring Hell
10x Standing Russian Twists 10/10


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
10x KB Swings @ 16kg
120m Run
In Step Stretch

1) 5 Rounds of
800m Run (sprint)
1 minute rest

Rest 5 minutes

2) Perform one 120m run every minute for 10 minutes

3) 4 Rounds of
5x Standing Ab Wheel
10x Standing Russian Twists 10/10
Hamstring Hell
60 Sec Side Plank Hold (30/30)

Hit the 800m sprint hard!  You have a minute to rest after each run and you'll need it.  The 120m sprints aren't too bad, but you'll need to take them one sprint at a time.  As always, the core circuit is challenging, but cannot be discounted...these exercises are what is going to keep you healthy and reduce those nagging injuries.  Remember, No Shortcuts!

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex @ 75lbs
Pigeon Stretch

1) 8 rounds of
3x Log hang clean and Press (or Hang Clean and Press) - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
Ultimate shoulder stretch

2) 5 Rounds of 
6x Front Squat - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable immedietly into ...
3x Box Jumps - increase height -- try to get to 40 in as fast as possible
Instep Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of 
10x Bench Press - increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
10x Elevated Ring Rows
3x Ride it Down Squat Mobility

As always, Strength Sessions are a welcomed events.  We used our strongman logs in this session to change it up a little (a little more bulky and awkward...and just cool to lift), but a normal hang power clean and press will work just as well.  As you have noticed, we are working on some basic foundational lifts during our sessions, but these will provide the greatest results, both for strength and durability. We use "Complex Training" in at least one circuit during a strength session.  This is where we incorporate a slow(er) strength lift quickly complexed with an explosive movement.  Here we are using moderately heavy front squats and immediately going into max height box jumps.  By training for strength and power simultaneously, we can extract a greater benefit than just training for those adaptations by themselves.  A movie clip to follow shortly....

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
100m Run
4 Pull Ups
8 Air Squats
4 jump squats
8 Push Ups
Instep Stretch

1) Perform the following every minute for 10 minutes:
5x Burpees
3x KB Snatches @ 20kg (3/3)
4x Pull Ups

Rest 5 minutes between circuits

2) Max number of SB Get ups in 10 minutes @ 80lbs

3) 4 Rounds of 
10x Weighted Situps @ 25 (overhead)
10x Superman Extensions (extend and hold for 5 sec each)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex

4) 2 Rounds of 
30 Sec Jane Fondas

We were still sore from monday, but we hit this pretty hard.  Two short duration high intensity circuits and sore core work.  Strength Day tomorrow. 

STAMINA (Recovery)
45 minute Ruck with 50lb Pack

Even though we hit this ruck at a good pace, this was just what we needed after yesterday's extended work capacity session. Do not disregard recovery days and our long slow distance.  You have to continually train in different modes, durations, and intensities to get the most out of your fitness.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
10x DB Swings @ 25lbs
10x DB Goblet Squats @ 25lbs
100m Run
Instep Stretch

30 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs

Dumbbell Complex =
6x RDLs
6x Squat Cleans
6x Thrusters
3x Scottie Bobs (1 SB= Push Up, right arm row, Push up, left arm row)
6x Sit ups (unweighted)

A very intense session.  It took me just over 45 minutes for the 30 rounds and others a little longer. Be disciplined in your range of motion and all of you reps.  At about round 7 it seems like it will never end, but once you get passed round 15 you know you can get it done.  This left us sore for a few days.  We will be rucking tomorrow.
- David


Warm Up:
3 Rounds
Dumbell Complex @ 25lbs
100m Run
Pigeon Stretch

1) Work Capacity Countdown in 25lbs weight vest...
Mr. Spectaculars (2 - 16kg KBs)
Ring Rows
Dip Extensions Straight Leg Raises
Sandbag Front Squats

2) 4 Rds
10 SB Getups 5/5 @ 80lbs
8 Ball Slams (@50lbs)
10 Poor Man's Reverese Hypers
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex