We will be going into our Strength Emphasis Block next week, so this week we will only be doing sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.   Take advantage of the few extra days off in preparation for the our Strength building block.


1. 1000 Step ups with 25 lbs for time

2. 4 Rounds of
6x Ankles to Bar
10x Back Extensions
6x SB Half Moons 6/6
10x plank walk ups (10/10)

The toughest part of this session is keeping track of your steps.  Use pennies, chalk, a pedometer...anything that will keep you on track.  At our Gym, we use a 17in high bench for our step ups, but you can get creative with hose rolls, benches or even bumper plates stacked on top of each other.

Perform the following for 45 minutes at a grind pace:
8x Back Squat @ 95lbs
8x Ball Slams
8x Box Jumps
4x Pull Ups
4x DB Burpees w/ 25 lbs (push up on dbs, stand up and clean dbs, push press dbs, and repeat)
8x Weighted Sit ups w/ 25lbs