week 2

We are in the 2nd week of our 4 week strength emphasis block. For the first two strength sessions, we hopefully found a good basis for the loading we'll use throughout this block.  Again, this strength block will be comprised of 3 total body strength sessions a week filled in with maintenance of our work capacity and stamina.  The strength sessions will be exactly the same in order to track our progress and really hammer the lifts we perform. The format is similar to Military Athlete's Big 24, which we are performing on the other side of the house with those athletes.

Strength Session #4
(use same loading as session #3)

Warm Up: 4 rounds of
**use 45lb bar for all warm up exercises
8x Snatch Grip RDL's
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
3x Squat Snatch
3x Overhead Squats
8x Push Ups
Hip Swivel Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Snatch Squat
1/2 HUG Mobility

8 Rounds of
3x Front Squat
Instep Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press
5x Barbell Bicep Curl
10x GHD Sit Ups

Use the same loading as Strength Session #3.  We will increase that weight come Friday, so be patient and don't go up too fast because you will not be able to sustain that progression.  We are gradually progressing these lifts, so don't get's easy to do.

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
200m Run
10 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
In Step Stretch

1) Max Rounds in 30 min of:
400m Run
10x Step Ups (10L/10R)
8x Kneeling Ball Slams

3) 6 Rounds of
3x Squat to Stand
5x Fire Hydrants (5 each way, each side, so a total of 20)
60 Ab Bridge Complex (20 sec side plank, 20 sec middle, 20 sec other side)

Strength Session #5

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
Barbell Complex @ 75lbs
3x Dips
Instep Stretch

6 Rounds of
4x Plyo Depth Push Ups
4x Pull Ups (weighted)
1/2 HUG Mobility

8 Rounds of
3x Squat Clean
Foam Roller or Hip Swivel Stretch

6 Rounds of
3x T Bar Rows
5x Dips (weighted)
Pigeon Stretch

The first session you should have found a good working weight for 3 reps that you were able to do for 1-2 rounds.   
Here's an example of the weights used in Strength Session #2 for Squat Snatch:
Squat Snatch 1. 135lbs 2. 135lbs 3. 155lbs 4. 165lbs 5. 185lbs 6. 205lbs 7. 225lbs 8. 235lbs

For the loading for Strength Session #5 for Squat Cleans and T Bar rows, take 10lbs off the last round ( from above example: 235lbs-10 =225lbs) and use that for round 4,5,6,7,8 for this session.  Each sessions will build on the next, so make sure you keep track.  Use the same principals for T-Bar rows.  The progression for the Plyo Push Ups, Dips, and Pull Ups are not as exact.  Try to find a weight that you can use throughout rounds 3,4,5,6. Try to increase the resistance (or height of plyo push up) a little each session.


45 Minutes Run or 60 minutes ruck, stair climb or hike

Through this strength block, it is important to maintain our stamina, especially with our mode specific long slow efforts.  Our programming is designed for balanced athletes, so we do not overlook these important aspects of fitness.

Strength Session #6

Warm Up: 4 rounds of
**use 45lb bar for all warm up exercises
8x Snatch Grip RDL's
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
3x Squat Snatch
3x Overhead Squats
8x Push Ups
Hip Swivel Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Snatch Squat
1/2 HUG Mobility

8 Rounds of
3x Front Squat
Instep Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press
5x Barbell Bicep Curl 
10x GHD Sit Ups

Here's an example of the weights used in Strength Session #1 for Squat Snatch:
Squat Snatch 1. 65lbs 2. 95lbs 3. 115lbs 4. 115lbs 5. 125lbs 6. 130lbs 7. 135lbs 8. 135lbs

For the loading for Strength Session #6, increase the weight you used for rounds 4,5,6,7,8 by 5lbs from sessions 3 and 4.  In the example above, we used 135lbs - 10lbs = 125lbs for our Squat Snatch loading for rounds 4,5,6,7,8 in session 3 and 4. For Strength Session 6 we will add 5 lbs to our 125lb loading.  This means we will use 130lbs for rounds 4,5,6,7,8 in this session for our example.  


We are starting our 4 week strength emphasis block. After having a shortened week in the gym, you should be chomping at the bit to get back into it and hit it hard.  This strength block will be comprised of 3 total body strength sessions a week filled in with maintenance of our work capacity and stamina.  The strength sessions will be exactly the same in order to track our progress and really hammer the lifts we perform. The format is similar to Military Athlete's Big 24, which we are performing on the other side of the house with those athletes.

Strength Session #1

Warm Up: 4 rounds of
**use 45lb bar for all warm up exercises
8x Snatch Grip RDL's
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
3x Squat Snatch
3x Overhead Squats
8x Push Ups
Hip Swivel Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Snatch Squat
2x Floor Angels 2/2

8 Rounds of
3x Front Squat
Instep Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press
5x Barbell Bicep Curl
10x GHD Sit Ups

This first session is to gauge your starting weights for the rest of the sessions.  For each exercise, continue to slowly increase weight each round until you find a "hard but doable" weight for the exercise...this should come in the 7th to 8th round.  You are not finding your 3 Rep Max, but finding a weight that is tough but doable with good form.  Do not go up to fast, this will start you off on a bad foot for the next session.  At the end of the sessions, you should feel that maybe...just maybe you should have gone a little heavier. Record the finishing loads for each exercise.

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
200m Run
10 Air Squats
5 Push Ups
In Step Stretch

1) Max Rounds in 10 min of:
200m RUn
6x Box Jumps
6x Weighted Sit Up @ 25lbs

Rest 3 min

2) 6 Rounds of
8x Goblet Squats at 45lbs
4x Burpees
8x Inverted Rows

3) 6 Rounds of
10x Russian Twist and Lunge 5L/5R
5x Ankles to bar
3x Squat to Stand
3x Shoulder Sweep

Strength Session #2

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex @ 75lbs
3x Dips
Instep Stretch

6 Rounds of
4x Plyo Depth Push Ups
4x Pull Ups (weighted)
1/2 HUG Mobility

8 Rounds of
3x Squat Clean
Foam Roller or Hip Swivel Stretch

6 Rounds of
3x T Bar Rows
5x Dips (weighted)
Pigeon Stretch

Again for the first week of the strength block, we are gauging your starting weights for the rest of the sessions.  For each exercise, continue to slowly increase weight each round until you find a "hard but doable" weight for the exercise...this should come in the 7th to 8th round or 6th if you only have 6 rounds like the 1st and 3rd circuits today.  You are not finding your 3 Rep Max, but finding a weight that is tough but doable with good form.  Do not go up to fast, this will start you off on a bad foot for the next session.  At the end of the sessions, you should feel that maybe...just maybe you should have gone a little heavier. Record the finishing loads for each exercise. For this session you will not only do this for the first exercise in the circuit, but with the weighted dips and pull ups as well.

45 Minutes Run or 60 minutes ruck, stair climb or hike

Through this strength block, it is important to maintain our stamina, especially with our mode specific long slow efforts.  Our programming is designed for balanced athletes, so we do not overlook these important aspects of fitness.

Strength Session #3

Warm Up: 4 rounds of
**use 45lb bar for all warm up exercises
8x Snatch Grip RDL's
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
3x Squat Snatch
3x Overhead Squats
8x Push Ups
Hip Swivel Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Snatch Squat
2x Floor Angels 2/2

8 Rounds of
3x Front Squat
Instep Stretch

8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press
5x Barbell Bicep Curl 
10x GHD Sit Ups

The first session you should have found a good working weight for 3 reps that you were able to do for 1-2 rounds.   
Here's an example of the weights used in Strength Session #1 for Squat Snatch:
Squat Snatch 1. 65lbs 2. 95lbs 3. 115lbs 4. 115lbs 5. 125lbs 6. 130lbs 7. 135lbs 8. 135lbs

For the loading for Strength Session #2, take 10lbs of the last round ( from above example: 135lbs-10 =125lbs) and use that for round 4,5,6,7,8 for this session.  Each sessions will build on the next, so make sure you keep track.  Use the same principals for Front Squat and Bench Press.  We have had success with this progression using the Military Athlete's BIG 24 and now we are using different foundational exercises to elicit the same strength gains with less technical lifts.

We will be going into our Strength Emphasis Block next week, so this week we will only be doing sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.   Take advantage of the few extra days off in preparation for the our Strength building block.


1. 1000 Step ups with 25 lbs for time

2. 4 Rounds of
6x Ankles to Bar
10x Back Extensions
6x SB Half Moons 6/6
10x plank walk ups (10/10)

The toughest part of this session is keeping track of your steps.  Use pennies, chalk, a pedometer...anything that will keep you on track.  At our Gym, we use a 17in high bench for our step ups, but you can get creative with hose rolls, benches or even bumper plates stacked on top of each other.

Perform the following for 45 minutes at a grind pace:
8x Back Squat @ 95lbs
8x Ball Slams
8x Box Jumps
4x Pull Ups
4x DB Burpees w/ 25 lbs (push up on dbs, stand up and clean dbs, push press dbs, and repeat)
8x Weighted Sit ups w/ 25lbs

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex

1) Max rounds in 10 minutes of
12 kb Swings @ 24 kgs
5 Burpess
5 Pull Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

2) 8 Rounds of
8 Ball Slams 30#
8 MB Front Squats
4 MB Plyo Push Ups (4/4)
8 MB Situps

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Standing Russians Twists
10 Dip Ext Leg Raises
3-3-3 Toe Touch Complex


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
5 Pull Ups
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Bench Press - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
3x T-Bar Rows - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
Ride it Down Squat

3) 5 Rounds of 
5x Squat Snatch - Increase weight each round until 5 is hard but doable
3x Burpees Broad jumps
Hip Swivel Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of 
10 Back Squat
5x Heavy KB/DB RDLs
Foam Roller


For 45 Minutes perform the following:

50 Step Ups (25/25)
50 Jump Rope Singles
20 KB Swings @ 20kg
10 Sit Ups 


Warm Up:
3 rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
10 Barbell Only (no additional weight)  RDL
10 Barbell Only (no additional weight)  Upright row
10 Barbell Only (no additional weight)  Push Press
10 Barbell Only (no additional weight)  Good Mornings
10 Barbell Only (no additional weight)  Back Squat

1) Perform the following every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
12 KB/DB Snatches (6L/6R)
 6 Pull Ups
12 Seated Russisan Twists w/ 25lb plate
 6 Inverted Row

This sessions should be very intense.  Go as quickly as possible with good form.  The quicker you finish, the more rest you will have until the next round.  For instance, if you complete the first round in 1:20, then you have :40 rest until starting the next round.  Good luck.  The best round average from this morning was :56 seconds per round.


Warm Up:
1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Power Clean and Push Press
3x Floor Angels (3/3)

2) 5 Rounds of 
6x Front Squats - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
immedietly into...
3 Box Jumps - continually increase box height
Pigeon Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of 
10x Kettlebell Floor Press (10/10)
6x Dips
Shoulder Sweeps (3/3)