Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5 Push Ups
5 Elevated Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Scorpions (5L/5R)
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

1) Find 1 RM Bench Press

2) 6 rounds of
2x Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
Hip Swivel Stretch
2x Ride it Down Squat

3) 5 Rounds of
6x Front Squat - increase weight each round until 6 is hard but doable
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25 lbs
Instep Stretch

4) 5 Round of
10x KB Swings @ 32 kg
4x Jingle Jangles
10x Poor Mans Leg Curl (5L/5R)


Warm Up: 3 Rounds
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs
Instep Stretch

1) Max Rounds in 30 Minutes of
200m Run
5x "The Exercise" @ 75lbs
5 Burpees

2) 4 Rounds of
4x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift @ 60lbs (4L/4R)
30 Sec AB Bridge Complex

3) 2 Rounds of
20 sec Jane Fondas


60 Minute HIKE/RUCK/Stair Climb with 45 lbs pack -- Moderate Pace