Training at our Facility

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 rounds of
8x Snatch Grip RDL @ 45lbs
8x Snatch High Pull @ 45lbs
4x Hang Squat Snatch @ 45lbs
2x Over Head Squat
8x Sit Up with 45lbs bar extended over head
Hip Swivel Stretch

1. Perform the Following every 2 minutes for 24 minutes
4x The Exercises @ 65lbs
4x Box Jumps
4x Pull Ups

2. 4 Rounds of
10x Standing Barbell Curl
10x Overhead Barbell Triceps Extension
10x GHD Situps

3. 2 Rounds of
30 Sec Jane Fonda -- this will hurt
30x Shoulder Hand Jobs (30/30)


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
DB Complex
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Push Jerks
3x Ride it Down Squat

2) 5 Rounds of
5x KB Swings @ 32 or heavier immediately into...
3x Standing Box Jumps - continue to challenge yourself on the height of the jumps
Instep Stretch
*** This is not a race.  Use the stretch as a recovery to hit the following round are hard as possible.

3) 5 Rounds of
10x DB Front Squat - increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
10x DB RDLs
Hip Swivel Stretch


45 Minute Ruck or Hike with 45lbs at moderate pace.


Warm Up: 1 Mile Run 

1) 10 Rounds of time of 
4x 1- arm KB Clean and Squat @ 16kg (4/4)
5x Ball Slams @ 25lbs

Rest 3 Min

2)  10 minutes of
80lb Sandbag Get Ups

3) 4 Rounds of 
5x Fire Hydrants (5 each way, each leg)
20x Toe Touches
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex (20 Side plank hold, 20 prone plank hold, 20 side plank hold)


Warm Up: 3 rounds of 
Barbell Complex 65, 75, 85lbs
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds  of
3x Overhead Squat
Prisoner Stretch

2) 5 Rounds of 
5x DB Bulgarian Split Squat (5/5)
2x Lunge Jumps (2L/2R)
2x Floor Angels (2/2)

2) 5 Rounds of  
10x Bench Press - increase weight until 10 is hard bit doable
10x 1-arm DB Row 
3x Shoulder Sweeps


Warm Up: 4 rounds of
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
6x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1. Find Squat Clean and Push Press 1 Rep Max

2. 5 Rounds of
2x Squat Clean + Push Press @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Hip Swivel Stretch

3. 5 Rounds of
6x Walking Lunges (6/6) increase weight each round until 6 is hard but doable
2x Jumping Lunges (2/2)
Elevated Pigeon Stretch

4. 5 Rounds of
10x Standing Military Press - increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
10x Inverted Ring Rows
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex

1) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of
KB Mr. Spectaculars @ 20kg
Box Jumps
Pull Ups
2x Dip Extension Straight Leg Raises

2) 4 Rounds of
10x GHD Sit Ups
45 sec Superman Hold
10x Seated Russian Twists @ 25lbs (10/10)


45 Minute Run at moderate pace.


Warn Up: 3 Rounds of
200m  Run
6x Dead Lift at 115, 135, 155 lbs
6x Push Ups
6 Ankles to BarHip Swivel Stretch

1) Find Deadlift 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of 
2x Dead Lift @ 85% of 1 RM
Pigeon Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
6x Bench Press - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x Pull Ups
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of 
5x KB 1 Arm Snatch 5/5
3x Broad Jumps
HUG Mobility


Warm Up: 4  rounds of 
8x Goblet Squats @ 16kg
4x 1 leg Dead Lifts @16kg 4/4
8x Push Ups
Hip Swivel Stretch

1) 10 Rounds for Time of:
8x DB Squats at 55lbs
8x Jingle Jangles (4 round trips)
4x Clapping Puh Ups
10x Sit Ups

2) 4 Rounds of 
5x Kneeling SB Keg Lifts @ 60lbs 5/5
30x Sec Jane Fondas
50x Shoulder Hand Jobs


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5 Push Ups
5 Elevated Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 Scorpions (5L/5R)
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

1) Find 1 RM Bench Press

2) 6 rounds of
2x Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
Hip Swivel Stretch
2x Ride it Down Squat

3) 5 Rounds of
6x Front Squat - increase weight each round until 6 is hard but doable
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25 lbs
Instep Stretch

4) 5 Round of
10x KB Swings @ 32 kg
4x Jingle Jangles
10x Poor Mans Leg Curl (5L/5R)


Warm Up: 3 Rounds
Dumbbell Complex @ 25lbs
Instep Stretch

1) Max Rounds in 30 Minutes of
200m Run
5x "The Exercise" @ 75lbs
5 Burpees

2) 4 Rounds of
4x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift @ 60lbs (4L/4R)
30 Sec AB Bridge Complex

3) 2 Rounds of
20 sec Jane Fondas


60 Minute HIKE/RUCK/Stair Climb with 45 lbs pack -- Moderate Pace

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
6x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Squat Clean
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 5 Rounds of
Dead Lift - increase weight until 6 is ahrd but doable
3x Lunge Jumps (3L/3R)
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25lbs

3) 5 Rounds of
10x Bench Press
6x Pull Ups
3x Shoulder Sweep


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
8x Walking Lunges (8L/8R)
8x KB Swings @ 16kg
8x Goblet Squat
8x Push Ups

12 Rounds of
12x KB Swings @ 24kg
12x Box Jumps
12x Ball Slams
12x Sit Ups (unloaded)

4 Rounds of
8x Ankels to Bar
8x Glute Ham Riase
30/30/30 Ab Bridge Complex


45 Minutes - Run at Moderate Pace.  Heart Rate @ 75% of Max Heart Rate (220 -age)


Warn Up: 3 Rounds of
200m  Run
10x Hang Squat Snatch
10x Overhead Squat at PVC pipe
5x Shoulder Dislocates

1) Perform the following every 1:30 for 30 Minutes of
5x The Exercise (Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat ) @ 65lbs
1x Suicide Sprint  One Suicide Sprint = Sprint 5 Yards and back, sprint 10 yards and back, sprint 15 yards and back

2) 5 Rounds of
6x Barbell Roll Outs (or ab wheel)
6x Back Extention with 25lbs
10x Plank Walk UP (10L/10R)
Instep Stretch
Frog Stretch


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
8x BB RDLs
8x BB Hi Pulls
8x BB Hang Squat Cleans
8x BB Front Squats
8x Push Ups
Instep Stretch
** Unloaded barbell for warm Up

1) Find Front Squat 1 RM

2) 6 Rounds of 
2x Front Squat @85% of 1 RM
Hip Swivel Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of 
6x T-Bar Row Increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x Weighted DIps - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

4) 5 Rounds 
10x KB Swings @ 32kg
immediately into....
6x Jingle Jangles
Pigeon Stretch 

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
8x BB RDLs
8x BB Hi Pulls
8x BB Hang Squat Cleans
8x BB Front Squats
8x Push Ups
Instep Stretch
** Unloaded barbell for warm Up

1) 8 Rounds of
 3x Dead Lift - Increase weight until 3 is ahrd but doable.  As always keep good form.  Once your form is comrimised, your round is done.
Foam Roller (low back and IT Bands)

2) 5 Rounds of
6x KB/DB Floor Press (6R/6L)
6x KB/DB 1 Arm Rows (6R/6L)
Prisoner Stretch
Frog Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
6x Hang Power Snatch
3x Seated Box Jumps for Max Height
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25 lbs


60 Minute Ruck or Hike with 40# pack


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
200m Run
10x Goblet Squats
10x Push Ups
10x Jump Squats
Instep Stretch
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

1) 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps for time of
Barbell Front Squat @ 95lbs
Squat Jumps
Pull Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

2) One 60 yard Shuttle Sprint every 45 seconds for  for 9 Minutes
One shuttle sprint = Sprint 5 Yards and back, sprint 10 yards and back, sprint 15 yards and back

Core Circuit:
4 Rounds of
10x Weighted Situps @ 45lbs
6x Hamstring Pulls
Ab Bridge Complex (30 sec side plank hold, 30 sec prone plank hold, 30 sec opposite side plank hold)


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
400m Run
4x Ankles to Bar
5x Walking Lunges (5L/5R) unloaded
10 Push Ups
HUG MOBILITY (both sides)

1) Find Push Jerk 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2x Push Jerks @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Hip Swivel Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
5x Squat Cleans - increase weight until 5 is haed but doable
5x Barbell Roll Outs
Elevated Pigeon Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
Dumbell Complex @ 25 lbs DBs