Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Pull Ups
10x Air Squats
10x Push Ups
200m Run

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press - Increase weight until 3 is hard but doable.  Use the first 2-3 rounds as your warm up rounds.
5x Pull Ups
Instep Stretch

2) 5 Rounds of
5x Hang Squat Snatch - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
3x Box Jumps for Max Height
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
10x Lateral Dumbbell Lunge (10L/10R) increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
2x Lunge Jumps (2L/2R)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex @ 12kg
Foam Roller

10 Rounds of
10x KB Swings @ 32kg
8x Goblet Squats @ 32kg
100m Run
Rest 1 minute

This circuit is not designed for overall time, but to go all out on each round. One minute is more than enough rest time to reload. For pacing and mindset, think of how a football player would go all out once the ball is snapped and then rest in between plays.  You have ten plays. IF it seems easy, pick up the intensity.

4 Rounds of
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25lbs
10x Back Extensions
5x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift @ 60lbs (5L/5R)


45 Min Run at Moderate intensity


Warm up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
Instep Stretch

1) Find Squat Clean and Push Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2x Squat clean and Push Press @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
1/2 HUG Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
5x Dead Lift - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable with good form immediately into...
5x Squat Jumps
Prisoner Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
6x Strict Pull Ups
10x Dips
10x Push Ups
15x Sit Ups


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
10x Walking Lunges (10L/10R)
4x Scottie Bobs @25lb DBs
50x Rope Jumps
Pigeon Stretch

1) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Reps of
Hang Power Cleans @ 95lbs
Box Jumps
Front Squats @ 95lbs
200m Run

Grind Pace -- Perform briskfully not frantically.

2) 4 Rounds of
6x Ankles to Bar
10x Russian Twists @ 25lbs (10L/10R)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex