
1) For 50 Minutes:
400m Run
20x Step Ups  (20 each leg, 40 total)
20x Air Squats
10x Walking Lunges - unloaded (10 each leg, 20 total)
30x Jumping jacks - single count

2) 2 Rounds of
10x Poor Man's Leg Curl (10 each leg, 20 total)
8x Ankles to Bar
HAM Mobility (Both legs each round)


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex w/ 75lbs
Ride it Down Squat 
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Back Squat 
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 6 Rounds of 
5x Close Grip Bench Press
5x Pull Ups
8x GHD Sit Ups

3) 6 Rounds of 
4x KB Snatch increase weight until 4 is hard but doable on each side
3x Burpee High Jump (Regular Burpees, but vertically jump as high as you can each rep)
8x Superman Extensions 


45 minute Run -- Threshold Pace -- as fast as possible without straining.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
100m run
5x Pull Ups
5x Burpees
5x Dips
10x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Round of 
3x Military Press - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
5x Band Pull Aparts

2) 5 Rounds of 
6x Hang Power Clean - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
4x Jingle Jangles
8x Dip Extension Straight leg raise

3) 5 Rounds of 
10x DB Front Squats
10x Back Extensions
Foam Roller - Low Back

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex

1) Max rounds in 10 minutes of
12 kb Swings @ 24 kgs
5 Burpess
5 Pull Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

2) 8 Rounds of
8 Ball Slams 30#
8 MB Front Squats
4 MB Plyo Push Ups (4/4)
8 MB Situps

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Standing Russians Twists
10 Dip Ext Leg Raises
3-3-3 Toe Touch Complex