

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
8x Air Squats
4x Jump Squats
2x Burpees
8x Push Ups
Instep Stretch

1. 10 Rounds for time of :
30x Step Ups with 80lb SandBag on shoulder (15 each leg alternating)
10x Walking lunges (5 each leg, unloaded)
5x Burpees
4x 20m shuttle sprints (down and back, down and back = 80m)

2. 3 Rounds of
20x Russian twists 25lbs
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex (20 sec side plank, 20 sec prone plank, 20 sec side plank)
Full Ham Mobility (both legs each round)

45 Minute run - Moderate Pace

Stamina Sessions Train Recovery. We are not only training “stamina” but we are also attempting to train recovery from endurance events. It’s been our experience that relatively short, intense, work capacity sessions alone do a great job preparing an athlete for a single, long, endurance push. But he’ll be trashed the next day. Short, intense events do not train recovery. Stamina sessions do.
Pre-conditioning the muscle endurance and connective tissue transfers directly to decreased soreness and faster recovery time after an event.  This is important on multi-day events and multi-event days.
-- From The Military Athlete Handbook


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of 
Mobility Complex

1) 8 Rounds of 
200m Run
8x KB Swings @24kg
5x Box Jumps
4x Pull Ups

2) 4 Rounds of
10x Poor Man's Leg Lift (10/10)
8x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift (4/4) @40lbs
8x Back Extensions
HUG Mobility (both legs each round)

Kneeling Keg Lift

Overhead Squats

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex at 55, 65, 75 lbs
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Overhead Squat - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
3x Shoulder Sweep

2) 5 Rounds of
6x DB Front Squat - Increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
6x DB RDLs
2x Hip Swivel Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
10x DB/KB Floor Press
7x Pull Ups
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex

1-arm Kettlebell Swings

Warm Up: 1 Mile Run

1) 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, reps of
1-Arm KB Snatches @ 20kgs (10L/10R, 8L/8R, 6L/6R....)
Ball Slams @ 15lbs 
400m Run

2) 4 Rounds of
10x plank walk ups (5/5)
8x Ankles to Bar
8x Russian Twists (8/8)
Foam Roller