
Warm Up: 3 Rounds of 
10 RDLs
10 Hang Clean Hi Pulls
10 Hang Squat Cleans
10 Push Press
(Use unloaded barbell for warm up --no weight on it)
Hip Swivel Stretch

1. 8 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex @ 95lbs
Rest 30 Sec

Rest 3 Minutes

2. 8 Rounds of
40m Shuttle Sprint (20m down and back)
Rest 30 Sec

3. 6 Rounds of  Modified Prison Circuit
5x Pull Ups (strict)
10x Dips
10x Dip Extension Straight Leg Raise
Instep Stretch

4. 2 Rounds of
20x Russian twists 25lbs
60 Sec Side Bridge Complex (30 sec Right side plank,  30 sec Left side plank)
1/2 HAM Mobility


Warm Up: 3 rounds of
2x DOT Drill (both directions)
8x KB Swings
8x Goblet squats
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Front Squats - increase weight rapidly until 3 is hard but doable
Frog Stretch

2) 5 Rounds of
6x Bench Press - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
5x Hamstring Pulls
Prisoner Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
6x DB/KB Swing immediately into
Sled Push or block push
5x Rope Pull ups
Hip Swivel Stretch.


60 Minute Hike, Ruck, Stair Climb - Moderate Pace


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of 
Mobility Complex

1. 6 Rounds of 
5x DB Front Squats @40lbs (80lbs total)
5x DB RDLs @ 40lbs (80lbs total)
4x Jump Squats
10x Sit Ups (unloaded)

2. 6 Rounds of
5x Explosive Bench Press -- selected a weight where you can concentrate on the explosive push out (i.e 115-185 for most people)
4x Clapping Push Ups
Instep Stretch
***This is not a high intensity circuit. Tempo is a brisk, not rapid pace. Focus on the your explosiveness.  

4. 4 Rounds of
10x Standing Russian Twist  10/10
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex (20 sec Right side plank, 20 Middle,  20 sec Left side plank)
6x Ankles to Bar
8x Back Extensions


Warm Up: 3 rounds of
200m Run
5 Burpees
5 Push Ups
10 Walking Lunges
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Weight Pull Ups - increase weight rapidly until 3 is hard but doable
3x Weighted Dips 
Hip Swivel Stretch

2) 6 Rounds of
4x Hang Squat Snatch  - increase weight until 4 is hard but doable
3x Box Jumps
1/2 HUG Mobility

3) 6 Rounds of
8x Dead Lifts - concentrate on improving form
5x Ball Slams
3x Squat to Stand