Training at
MILITARY ATHLETE in Colorado Springs
If you live in Colorado Springs and are interested in training at our facility contact
May 10, 2010
No warm up
1) For 45 minutes perform the following
50 Step Ups (unloaded) (20 inch object to step on, bench, stacked hose rolls, etc...)
1 Dumbbell Complex 25lbs
This training session can be manipulated in many ways. You can increase the weight of the dumbbells, I used 40's, or you can do your step up with weight. If you haven't done this session before, I recommend doing the step ups unloaded and 25lb dumbbells. The step up will regulate your heart rate, but the complex with spike it.
May 9, 2010
Work Capacity
Warm Up: 2 rounds of
Mobility Complex
In step Stretch
1) For time:
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 Pull Ups
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 Sit Ups 25#
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 Dips
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 Ball Slams 25#
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 DB Curl & Press 25#
10 SB Get Ups 80#
50 Air Squats
2) 4 Rounds of
20 Sec 1/2 Jane Fondas
30x Shoulder Hand Jobs w/ 2.5lb plate (30/30)
The Main Effort is a grind, but isn't as bad as it seems. Most of our crew finished under 30min. The Pull Ups and Dips were the longest of the 50 effort exercises.
May 8, 2010
Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Dumbbell Complex
w/ 5 Ankles to Bar
1) Work Up to Push Press 1 Rep Max
2) Max Reps Dead Hang Pull Ups -- no swing, kipping...STRICT!
3) 6 Rounds of
2 Push Press @ 85% of 1 Rm
25% of Max Rep Pull Ups (ie. if you did 20 Pull ups, you will do 5 reps every set and always round up)
2 Y&L Shoulder Mobility
4) 5 Rounds of
8 KB Swing increase weight each round
12 Lunge Jumps (6/6)
12 MB Sit Ups 30lbs
5) 5 Rounds of
8 One arm KB/DB Dead Lifts (8/8) @ 24kgs
8 Jumps Squats
30 Sec 3-way plank Hold
May 5, 2010
Fire House Training
Warm up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
w/ 1 HUG Mobility
1)Work Up to a Front Squat I Rep Max
2)6 Rounds of
2x Front Squats at 85% of 1 rep max
2x In step Lunge
3)5 Rounds of
6x Bench Press (increase weight until 6 is hard but doable)
4x Clapping Push Ups
8x Inverted Rows
4)4 Rounds of
10x Ankles to Bar
10x 1 arm snatches 5/5 @20kg
20x Russian Twists
10x Superman Ext
May 6, 2010
Off-Shift Training
2 Mile Run
May 7, 2010
Off-Shift Training
Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
DB Complex (increase weight each round)
4x Jump Squats
Pigeon Stretch
1)Perform the following every 2 minutes for 20 Minutes
8 KB Snatches @ 20kg (4/4)
5 Pull Ups
5 Ball Slams
5 Jump Squats
5 Push Ups
2)4 Rounds of
8x KB Slasher to HALOs
15x Glute Leg Lifts (15/15)
15x Plate sit ups (weight extended overhead)
8x Side Plank Raises (8/8)
Sunday May 2, 2010
Fire House Training
Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
DB Complex (increase weight each round)
1 HUG Mobility
1) 8 rounds of
3x Curtis P's (increase weight each round until 3 is hard but doable)
20x Russian Twists 25# (10/10)
2x Hip Swivels
2) 4 rounds of
6x DB Front Squat (increase weight until 6 is hard but doable)
6x DB RDL (try to use same DBs as Front Squat)
10x Weighted Sit Ups w/45lb Plate
Instep Stretch
3) 4 Rounds of
12x DB Push Press
8x Ball Slams
4x Clapping Push Ups
20 sec 3-way Plank Holds (side, prone, side)
Monday May 3, 2010
Off-Shift Pt 1
60 Minute Hike w/ 40 lbs (I put my son on my back) at a moderate pace (can carry on a conversation)
Tuesday May 4 , 2010
Off-Shift PT 2
Off-Shift PT 2
Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
10 KB Swings 20kg
20 Jumping Jacks
10 KB Goblet Squats 20kg
5 Pull Ups
1) Countdown
12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of
KB/DB Swings @ 32kg (70lbs)
Jump Squats
Pull Ups
Push Ups
2) 2 Rounds of
20 Sec 1/2 Jane Fonda
10 Back Ext
10 Back Ext Sit Ups
Thursday April 29, 2010
Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Mobility Complex
2x Instep Lunge Stretch
1) Find Approx Bench Press 1 Rep Max
2) 6 Rounds of
2x Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
5x Shoulder Dislocates
3) 4 Rounds of
6 Dead Lifts (increase weight until 6 is hard but doable)
6 Jump Squats
1 HUG Mobility
4) 4 Rounds of
12 DB Front Squat
12 DB RDLs
20 Sec 3 way side plank (side, prone, side)
OFF-Shift PT
Friday April 30, 2010
50 Minutes -- Long Slow Distnce
50 Minute Hike or Stair Climb (unloaded) moderate pace - can carry on conversation
Treadmill 3.0mph, 10% incline
Off-Shift Day 2
Wednesday 28 2010
Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
10 KB Swings @20kg
8 Goblet Squats @ 20kg
6 Clapping Push Ups
4 Ankles to bar
1)Max rounds in 20 min of
200m Run
6 Pull Ups
5 Burpess
3 Scottie Bobs (25lb DBs)
2) 4 Rounds of
8 Slasher to Halos 8/8
8 Back Extensions w/ 25lbs
8 Back Extension sit ups w/ 25lba
1/2 HAM Mobility