Robert kicking ass with a Sandbag that is half his Bodyweight

Work Capacity

Warm Up:
5 Minutes of SandBag Get Ups
2 rounds of
20 Side to side MB tosses (10L/10R)
10 MB Chest Passes
5 MB Keg Throws

1) As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of
3 Squat Cleans @ 135#
6 Ball Slams
9 Push Ups
12 Box Jumps

4 Minute Rest

2) 4 rounds for time of
4 SB Get Ups 2/2
6 Snatches @ 115#
9 Ring Pull Ups
200m Run

3) Cool down / Core Circuit
4 Rounds of
20 Toe touches
20 Slashers (10/10)
20 SB RDLs
20 Suitcase Sit Ups

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
w/ HUG Mobility

1) Find Dead Lift Approx 1 Rep Max

2) 5 Rounds of
2 DL @ 85% of 1RM
2 Hip Swivels

3) 5 Rds of
12 KB Floor Press 6L/6R (Increase weight each set)
10 Inverted Rows
20 Seated Russian Twists 10/10

4) 5 Rounds of
6 SB Get Ups 3/3
4 Jingle Jangles
30 Glute leg lifts (30/30)

For 60 min complete as many rounds as possible:
Intensity: Fast Paced without straining
Heart Rate zone: 120-140 bpm

300m Run
100m Overhead Plate walk
300m Run
100m DB/KB Farmers Carry
300m Run
100m BB Torpedo Carry
Work Capacity

Warm Up: 2 rounds of

200m run
10x KBS (no higher than 16kg) (5R/5L)
200m run
10x KB Hi Pull (use swing KB)
10x Push up
200m run
20x step up (10R/10L)
200m run
40x jumping jacks
1). The Nor'easter
30 OHS 95#/55#
30 Pull Ups (chest to bar)
30 Power Snatches 95/55#
30 Ankles to Bar
30 Summo Deadlift High Pulls 95#/55#
30 Air Squats
30 KB Swings 24kg/16kg

2) Mobility/Core Circuit :3 Rounds of
20x Suitcases
20x Toe Touches
20x MB side toss (10R/10L)
30 sec superman hold

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
Mobility Complex

1) Perform the following every 2 minutes for 20 minutes.  The quicker you
finish the round, the more rest you will have until the start of the next round.

7 Pull Ups or 14 Jumping Pull Ups
7 Burpees
5 Clapping Push Ups
7 Goblet Squats 20kg

2) 2 Rounds of
1/2 HAM mobility
20 Seated Russian Twists
20 sec Plank Hold series (side, prone, side...20 sec each)


Warm Up: 3 rounds of
Barbell Complex
w/ 1 HUG

1) 5 rounds of
4 Bench Press (use a weight that's hard but doable)
4 KB/DB Renegade Rows (go heavy)
3 Scarecrows

2) 5 rounds of
6 Squat Cleans
10 Box Jumps
Instep Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
10 DB Front Squat
10 DB RDLs
10 Plate Sit Ups


Warm Up:
5 Minutes Foam Roller
3 Rounds of
5 Squat Cleans @75#
3 Scottie Bobs
Instep Strectch

1) 40 Minutes of
30 SB Step Ups (15/15)
20 Walking Lunges
50 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Mobility

** This is not for time. Pace should be fast-paced without straining,
while trying to keep a steady heart rate.
Ed at the CrossFit Mountain Sectionals

3 Rounds of
Mobility Complex

1) 16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 reps of
80# SB Get Ups
Jump Squats
Ring Push Ups
Heavy MB Slams

2) 3 Rounds of
8 Glute Ham Raise
8 Dip Ext Leg Raises
8 Side Plank Raises (8/8)
8 Plank Walk Ups
1 HAM Mobility

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
w/ 1 HUG

1) 5 Rounds of
4 Front Squats (hard but doable)
10 Glute Raises (10l/10R)
10 Supermans

2) 5 Rounds of
6 Push Press
1 Rope Climb or 1o Inverted Rows
2 Y&L Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
12 Landmine Rotate and Lunge (6/6)
8 Ankles to Bar
1/2 20 sec Jane Fondas
Work Capacity

Warm Up:
2 rounds of 20 sec work/20 sec rest of
Jumping Jacks, Bicycle sit ups, push ups, kb swings,
MB sit ups, air dyne sprints, MB Thrusters
Ring Rows, PVC Overhead Squats

1) As Many Rounds As Possible in 25 minutes of
10 One-arm KB Swings (5L/5R)
10 Push Ups
10 KB Cleans (5L/5R)
10 KB Push Press (5L/5R)
10 KB Lunges (5L/5R)
5 Pull Ups
5 MB Slams

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
Barbell Complex
w/ 6 Sit Ups

1) 4 Rounds of
3 Curtis P's (hard but doable)
2 Pigeon Stretch
2 shoulder dislocates

2) 4 rounds of
5 Hex bar dead lifts (hard but doable)
10 Box Jumps
10 Glute leg lifts (10/10)

3) 4 Rounds of
4 weighted Pull Ups
8 inverted rows
2 MB Push Up series
30 sec ab bridge

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
200m Jog
5 Ring Rows
10 Ball Slams
15 KB Hi Pulls
10 Mountain Climbers

1) 50 Minutes of
400m Run
5 Ball Slams
10 KB Swings
12 Step Ups
20 Slashers (10/10)

The pace for this effort should be fast without straining.  Keep a steady heart rate throughout the entire 50 minutes.
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
200m Run
2 Hip Swivels
10 Squats
5 Band Pull Aparts
1 SAM mobility
10 Push Ups

1) 4 rounds of:
6 Pull Ups (chest to bar)
6 Ring Dips
400m Run
6 Thrusters (135/95)

Rest 3 Minutes

2) 4 Rounds of
10 Plate Sit Ups
30 Sec Superman Holds
Instep Stretch
15 Seated Russian Twists
30 sec side bridge hold
2 Y&L Shoulder Mobility
10x Single leg medball twists (5/5)
20 Toe touches

Again, after an intense strength block, we are decreasing the volume and intensity, but increasing the amount of mobility and flexibility exercises.
Strength Session

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex (up in weight each set)
w/ 1 Hug

1) 4 Rounds of
5 Log Hang Clean and Press (hard but doable)
** if not log, use DB Hang Clean and Press
2 Hip Swivels

4 Rounds of
8 DB Front Squats (hard but doable)
8 DB RDLs (use same weight for both DB exercises)
30 Shoulder Hand Jobs with 2.5 lbs (one side each round)

4 Rounds of
10 Bench Press
10 Ball Slams
10 V-Sit Ups

This workout is lower volume and intensity by design.  We are coming off a good strength building block with the BIG 24.  Choose loads that will challenge you, but DO NOT even come close to failure on any set.  When in doubt, go lighter for this training session.

Last Session of the "The BIG 24"

Warm Up: 6 Rounds of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 RDLs w/ PVC 
3 Overhead Squats w/ PVC
3 Squat Snatch w/ PVC
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
2 Y&L Mobility

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean
2 HIP Swivels

This is the last session of the BIG 24.  Push the weight, but remember that it's 3 repetitions not 3 singles.  It's okay to put the bar down for a moment to re-grip, especially at heavier weight, but it's not time to rest.  If you've been following the BIG 24 for the last four weeks, I'm interested in how much you've increased.  Let me know.

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of
5 KB High Pulls
5 KB Cleans (5/5)
5 KB Goblet Squats
20 Seated Russian Twists

50 Minutes of:
400m Run
10 1-arm KB Swings (5/5)
10 Sit Ups
10 KB Dead Lifts
10 Supermans

Again, our Stamina efforts are not max efforts.  We used a tempo that is "fast-paced with straining".  Concentrate on keeping a steady HR.
Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of
200m Jog
20 Jumping Jacks
5 KB Goblet Squats
10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups

6 Rounds for time:
200m Sprint
10 25 lb DB Curl and Press
 7 Pull Ups
10 24kg KB Goblet Squats
Active Rest Day.

If you've been following our program correctly, this is the last week of the BIG 24.  We are programming in an additional rest day in order to have a STRONG finish for the ret of the week.  The BIG 24 will collectively take it's toll on you, but performed correctly you'll get the desired adaptations.
Strength Session
Day 7 of BIG 24 (last week of the BIG 24)

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
2 Hip Swivels

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
2 Y&L Mobility

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean

3 Rounds of
200m jog
20 jumping Jacks
10 Air Squats
2 Hip Swivels

As Many Rounds As Possible in 40 Minutes of:
400m Run
5 Pull Ups
5 Ball Slams 15lbs
10 DeadLifts 135lbs
10 Overhead Sledgehammer strikes 5L/5R
10 Burpees
20 V-Sit Ups
Strength Session
Day 6 of BIG 24 

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
3 Y&L Shoulder Mobility

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
3 In Step Lunge Stretch

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean

Check back for a modified Dumbbell Version of the "Big 24".  We use this for our Athletes with limited equipment and those not yet comfortable with their Barbell Techniques.

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
200m Jog
5 Ring Rows or Inverted rows
10 Ball Slams
15 KB Swings
20 Mountain Climbers

1) 50 min of
400m Run
10 KB Swings
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Slashers (10L/10R)
20 Squats
10 Side Plank Raises (10L/10R)

For our Firefighters training at the station, we get creative coming up with a 400m run.  Many times we develop a route through the basement up the stairs and across the apparatus floor.  We'll do this run 8 laps for approx 400m.  Each round (not lap) we'll go the opposite way.  We try to stay together as a group and alternate the pace setter.

Again, we use this type of workout to separate various timed intense sessions (prevent mental and physical burn out) and for active rest after a strength session.

As always our Stamina Goals are
1) Recovery
2) Active Rest from intense and demanding training
3) Metabolism Boost
4) Fat-Burning Work
5) Long Slow Distance Training for those tendons, ligaments, and stabilizing muscle that are hard to hit in a gym environment.

Warm Up: 2 rounds of 20 sec work/ 20 sec rest of
PVC Overhed Squats
Jumping Jacks
Bicycle Sit Ups
Push Ups
KB Swings
Medicine Ball (MB) Sit Up and reach
Medicine Ball (MB) Thrusters
Ring Rows

1) 4 Rounds @:
Round 1: 30/25 work/rest (seconds)
Round 2: 30/20
Round 3: 25/15
Round 4: 20/10

of the following exercises:
Jumping Pull Ups
Push Ups
KB Hi Pull
Mountain Climbers
KB Deadlifts
AirDyne Bike Sprints @ 90RPMS
Kneeling Ball Slams
***Rest 1 minute between rounds

2) 4 rounds of
20 Toe Touches
30 Sec Superman Holds
20 Russian Twists
30 Sec 1/2 side plank hold
Strength Session
Day 5 of BIG 24 

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
2 Y&L Mobility

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
3 In Step Lunge Stretch

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean