We like adding a density session in our training every so often. It's a sprint through a series of exerises where the faster you finish, the more rest you have. I like Athletes to earn their rest rather than expect it. This  is our 4:30 session performing 6 Pull Ups, 6 Clapping Push Ups, 6-50lb Ball Slams, 6 DB curl and press  w/25lb  every 2 minutes for 20 minutes. I designed it so if an athlete is busting their ass, they will have close to 60 seconds rest. 
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Strength Session
Day 4 of BIG 24 

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
6 Band Pull Aparts

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
3 In Step Lunge Stretch

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean


Warm Up:
3 rounds of
200m Run
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Squats
12 KB Slasher to Halos (6/6)

1) 50 Min of:
400m Run
20 Step Ups
10 Sit Ups
10 KB Swings

We will use this type of workout to separate various timed intense sessions (prevent mental and physical burn out) and for active rest after a strength session.

As always our Stamina Goals are
1) Recovery
2) Active Rest from intense and demanding training
3) Metabolism Boost
4) Fat-Burning Work
5) Long Slow Distance Training for those tendons, ligaments, and stabilizing muscle that are hard to hit in a gym environment.
"THE BIG 24"
 from yesterday's 1640 session

Work Capacity

Warm UP
5 Min on the Foam roller
3 rounds of
6 ankles to bar
3 pull ups
6 squat jumps
12 Glute leg lifts each leg
6 push ups

Perform the following every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
6 Pull Ups
6 Clapping Push Ups
6 Ball Slams(30-50lb DBall if you have them...if not increase reps to 10 for lighter ones)
6 Curl To Press (kneeling with 20-25lb dumbbell, curl both at the same time and then press)
**the extra time you finish with is your rest

4 rounds of
30 sec of 1/2 side plank holds (one side each round)
30 sec of 1/2 supine straight leg kicks (one leg each round)
30 sec Prone Plank Hold
20 Seated Russian Twists 25 lbs.
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Mental Toughness Session

From Friday, this was one of those workouts that you just need to will yourself through and make it happen.

For time:
100 Pullups
20 Sandbag Get Ups (80#)
100 Push Ups
20 Sandbag Get Ups (80#)
100 Plate Sit Ups (35#)
20 Sandbag Get Ups (80#)
100 Air Squats
20 Sand Bag Get Ups (80#)

Lesli's been kicking ass every since she started

Mike with the 80lb Sandbag

Robert starting with 100 pull ups

Coach Hageman supervises the Range Fitness Training at Ft. Carson.  
This was part of their Military Athlete Small Unit training.

Warm Up:
30 sec right arm kb swing
30 sec figure 8 rt to left
30 sec left arm kb swing
30 sec figure 8 left to rt
30 sec Clean & Press right arm
30 sec right leg lunge with kb extended in left arm
30 sec Clean & Press left arm
30 sec left leg lunge with kb extended in right arm

1) For Time:
100 Pull Ups
20 SB Get Ups
100 Push Ups
20 SB Get Ups
100 MB Sit Ups
20 SB Get Ups
100 Squats
20 SB Get Ups
Strength Session
Day 2 of BIG 24 

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
3 Shoulder Dislocates

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
3 In Step Lunge Stretch

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean
3 Pigeon Stretch

We are starting a 4-week strength cycle with "The Big 24". We will be doing this session every Monday and Thursday for the next three weeks. The idea is to add at least five pounds to the last round every week...for a  total of a 20lb increase by the end of the four weeks.

warm up: 4 rounds of
20 Jumping jacks
20 step ups
10 push ups
5 ankles to bar

1) 50 minutes of:
400m run
10 shoulder dislocates
400m run
20 step ups
400m run
20 sit ups
400m run
HAM mobility
400m run
20 seated russian twists
400m run
20 step ups
400m run
10 ring rows
400m run
Ham Mobility
Strength Session
BIG 24

Warm Up: 6 Rounds w/ PVC Pipe of
1/2 HAM
3 Shoulder dislocates
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatch
3 Cat/Camel Mobility

1) 8 Rounds of
3 The Exercise (Hang Snatch Squat + Overhead Squat)
3 Shoulder Dislocates

2) 8 Rounds of
3 Power Cleans + Push Press
3 In Step Lunge Stretch

3) 8 rounds of
3 Squat Clean
3 Pigeon Stretch

We are starting a 4-week strength cycle with "The Big 24". We will be doing this session every Monday and Thursday for the next three weeks. The idea is to add at least five pounds to the last round every week...for a  total of a 20lb increase by the end of the four weeks.

Step Up Breathing Ladder at Denver Fire Station 12

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
200m run
12 push ups
12 Squats
5 Burpess

1) For 50 minutes complete as many rounds as possible of
800m run
20 Step ups
20 Mobility squats
10 Push Ups
200m KB farmers carry
20 Sit ups

Again, our pace for this is "fast-paced  without straining".

Warm Up: 3 Rounds
Barbell Complex (75,85,95)
w/ Hug Mobility

1) 21-15-9 reps of
Barbell Thrusters 95lbs
Pull Ups

Rest 5 Minutes then...

2) 21-15-9 reps of
KB Swings
Ball Slams
MB Sit Ups

For those who are familiar with "Fran" intensity is the key to this workout.  If you feel like doing more after this session, you didn't go hard enough.  The first workout is a battle in itself, but sometimes we are called upon to battle again.

Breathing Ladder

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
200m Run
5 Pull Ups
20 Step Ups
10 Mobility Squats

1) 50 Minutes of:
1-20 rep Breathing Ladder of Steps Ups holding 25lb Dumbells in each hand
or wearing Military Kit or SCBA.

Holding one 25lb DB in each hand, or Military Kit, or SCBA, step up on a 20 in box. When you are at rest you must control your breathing to the prescribed number of breaths.

The first few rounds should look like this:
1 step up (right leg step up, step down)
1 breath of rest
2 step ups (left leg step up, step down, right leg step up, step down)
2 breaths or rest
3 step ups (left leg step up, step down, right leg step up, step down, left leg step up, step down)
3 breaths of rest
....continue to 20 reps and 20 breaths and start back at ONE.

Strength Session

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
6 Ankles to Bar
12 Landmine Twists and Lunge 95lbs (6/6)
12 Lunges (6/6)
12 Push Ups
12 Supermans

1) Find Approx Dead Lift 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Dead Lifts @85% of 1RM
2 HUGs

3) 5 Rounds of
6 Bench Press HBD
1 Rope Climb or 12 Inverted Rows
10 Glute Raises

4) 5 Rounds of
10 Log Clean and Press
10 Heavy Ball Slams 30#,50#
10 KB Slasher to Halos (5/5)

Last Progression Effort for this workout. We've performed this workout the past 3 mondays to track how our athletes responds.  

Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex (75, 85, 95)
w/ 1 HUG

1) 8 rounds for time of
5 Curtis P's @95lbs
200m sprint

2) 4 rounds  (not for time) of
10x toe touches
10x DB RDLs (25#)
10x MB Side toss (each side)
30 sec 1/2 side bridge (one side on one rounds, the other side the following round)


Warm Up: 1 Round of
12 Push Ups
12 Air Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
12 Sit Ups
5 Burpees
1 HUG Mobility

1) For 50 minutes at a pace where you can still carry on a conversation with someone
Complete .25 miles on a Cardio piece or
8 Firehouse laps (inside or outside)...then
12 Push Ups
12 Air Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
12 Sit ups
5 Burpees
1 HUG Mobility

This is a great workout for recovery and to get everyone involved.  We will use this type of workout to separate various timed intense sessions (prevent mental and physical burn out) and for active rest after a strength session.

As always our Stamina Goals are
1) Recovery
2) Active Rest from intense and demanding training
3) Metabolism Boost
4) Fat-Burning Work
5) Long Slow Distance Training for those tendons, ligaments, and stabilizing muscle that are hard to hit in a gym environment.

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of 20 sec work 20 sec rest
Ring Rows
PVC Overhead Squats
KB High Pulls
Push Ups
KB/DB Swings
MB Sit Ups

1) Complete each couplet as fast as possible:
25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Goblet Squat -70lbs
Box Jumps

Rest 4 minutes, then...

25-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Push Press 95lbs
Pull Ups

Rest 4 minutes, then..

1 km Run + 100 push ups
600m run + 50 push ups
200m run + 25 Push ups

Warm Up:
6 Min of  Sand Bag Get Ups

1) Find Approx Push Press and Squat Clean 1 Rep Max

2) 5 Rounds of
2 Squat Cleans and Push Press @ 85% of 1 RM
1 SAM Shoulder Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
6 Sand Bag Front Squats
6 Squat Jumps
12 Sand Bag Half Moons (6/6)

4) 5 Rounds
12 Bench Press @ hard but doable weight
12 Inverted row with 3" Thick Bar
24 Plate Russian Twists (12/12)


Warm Up: 5 minutes (30 sec at each station) of

1-arm KB Swing R
1-arm KB Swing L
around the waist (clockwise)
around the waist (counter clockwise)
Goblet Squats
Clean and Press R
Lunge Right leg KB Overhead in Left hand
Clean and Press L
Lunge Left leg KB Overhead in Right hand
Standing Halos

1) 50 Minutes of:
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squat (ROM)
200m SB Carry
10 Hollow Rockets
600m Run
10 Supermans

*** Pace for long slow distance is "fast-paced without straining"

Warm Up: 10 Minutes of
SB Get Ups

1) 4 rounds for time of (10 minute limit):
10 Deadlifts @ 115% of Bodyweight
25 Box Jumps 24in

Rest 3 minutes

2) Max rounds in 10 minutes of :
5 Pull Ups
5 SB Cleans
10 MB Slams
10 KB/DB Swings @24kg
15 Mountain Climbers

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Standing Russian Twists
10 Plate situps
10 Good Mornings
30 sec Front Plank Hold

3 Rounds of:
Barbell Complex
w/ 1 HUG

1) 8 rounds for time of
5 Curtis P's @95lbs
200m sprint

2) 4 rounds  (not for time) of
10x toe touches
10x DB RDLs (25#)
10x MB Side toss (each side)
30 sec 1/2 side bridge (one side on one rounds, the other side the following round)

This is the third monday in a row that we've done this workout.  Everyone showed progress last week and some just blew it out of the water.  We'll see how everyone does today.