Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
"Barbell Complex" loaded
w/ 1 HUG Mobility

1) Find Approx 1 RM for Push Press

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Push Press @ 85% of 1 RM
2 Y&L Shoulder Mobility

3) 4 Rounds of
6 "The Exercise" (hang snatch + overhead squat)
6 Pull Ups
10 Seated Russian Twists

4) 4 Rounds of
12 Back Squats
8 Jump Lunges 4/4
1/2 20 sec Jane Fonda

Warm Up:
10 Jumping Pull Ups
10 BB RDLs
10 BB High Pulls
10 BB Back Squats
2 Knees to Chest Mobility

1) For 50 minutes:
600 Run
10 135lb Dead Lifts
30sec Plank walk ups

This effort is not a race...the pace should be "fast-paced without straining"

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
200m Run
5 Pull Ups
20 Step Ups
10 Mobility Squats

1) 6 Rounds of
(use the same KB/DB throughout circuit 12-20kg)
6 KB/DB Get Ups 3/3
10 KB Snatches 5/5
10 KB Goblet Squats
10 KB Dead Lifts
10 KB Sit Ups 5/5
Rest 1 Minute

2) 6 Rounds of
15 Push Ups
15 Squat Jumps
10 Walking Lunges 5/5
6 Jingle Jangles
Rest 1 min

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
4 Ankles to Bar
8 Push Ups
8 Squats
4 Pull Ups
8 Sit Ups

1) Find Front Squat Approx 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Front Squats @85% of 1RM
2 Hip Swivels

3) 5 Rounds of
6 Bench Press (hard but doable weight)
6 Weighted Pull Ups
10 Weighted Sit ups
1 SAM Mobility

4) 5 Rounds of
6 Log Clean and Press
6 Box Jumps (max height)
10 Slasher to halos
10 Supermans
Work Capacity

We did this workout last monday and will do it today and the next two mondays to follow.  We are looking for progression:

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 1 HUG

1) 8 Rounds for time of:
5 Curtis P's @ 95lbs

2) 6 rounds  (not for time) of
10x toe touches
10x DB RDLs (25#)
10x MB Side toss (each side)
30 sec 1/2 side bridge (one side on one rounds, the other side the following round)

This test was created by Military Athlete and is for Military/LE Operators. Contact Driven Strong to set up a time to get tested by our Military Athlete Coaches

Work Capacity

Warm Up:
30, 20 reps of
MB Thrusters
Ring Rows
Spiderman Push Ups
Sit Ups

1) Complete the following on the minute for 10 minutes:
6 KB/DB Snatches 20kg (3L/3R)
3 Pull Ups
6 MB Slams (15lbs0
6 MB Sit Ups

Once 10 minutes is complete, Rest 3 minutes

2) Complete the following on the minute for 10 minutes
6 Sand Bag Get Ups  60lbs (3L/3R)

These circuits are called DENSITY workouts. Unlike a 30 sec work/ 30 sec rest format, density training makes you earn your rest by how quickly you push yourself through the prescribed exercises.  For example, if you finish all 6 SB Get ups in 30 sec, then you have 30 sec rest until the next round starts.  However, if you finish 6 SB Get Ups in 55 sec, then you only have 5 sec until the next round begins.

"The Long Haul"

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
10 BB Thrusters
8 Burpees
6 Ball Slams
4 Ankles to Bar

1) For 50 minutes at a steady pace:
400m Sand Bag Carry (as heavy as possible to keep it comfortable but not easy)
20 Step Ups (20 each leg)
10 Mobility Squats (slower air squats emphasizing an increase range of motion)
10 Push Ups
10 Standing Russian Twists

 Lucas performing the standing Russian Twists w/ the Grappler

3 Rounds of
10 Squats
10 BB Push Press
10 Walk outs
10 Plank Up downs

1) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of

Scottie Bobs
Pull Ups
KB Swings 24kg
Slam Balls 15lbs
Goblet Squats 20kg
Box jumps 24 in

2) 4 Rounds of
8 MB Sit ups
30 sec Superman holds
8 slashers (8L/8R)
60sec Plank holds each side
Strength Session

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
6 BB High Pulls
6 BB Front Squats
6 Jump Squats
6 Push Ups

1) Find Approx 1 Rep Max for Squat Clean

2) 5 Rounds of
2 Squat Cleans @ 85% of 1 RM
1 Scarecrow
1 Hip Swivel

3) 5 Rounds
6 Hex Bar Dead Lifts (hard but doable)
6 Jump Squats
6 Poor Man leg curl (6L/6R)

4) 5 rounds of
10 Bench press (hard but doable)
1 Rope Climb (or 4 pullups)
10 each KB Renegade Rows
10 each Russian Twists
Military Athlete Instructor Training

Military Athlete Instructor Training in Jackson, WY. 
Day 3 was focused on Range stress shoots and marksmanships under pressure. Great training and some interesting ideas how to train it in a Gym environment.
Military Athlete Instructor Training

Many Tactical Athletes from around the country gathered in Jackson, WY to attempt to
qualify as Military Athlete Instructors.  Here's some footage from the physical test and some of the additional training.
Work Capacity

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 1 HUG

1) 8 Rounds for time of:
5 Curtis P's @ 95lbs

2) 6 rounds of
10x toe touches
10x DB RDLs (25#)
10x MB Side toss (each side)
30 sec 1/2 side bridge (one side on one rounds, the other side the following round)

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w 6 Situps

1) 4 rounds of
8 KB/DB Get Ups (4L/4R)
8 Seated Russian Twists (16 touches)

2) 5 Rounds of
8 DB Front Squat
2 HUG Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
10 Pull Ups (weighted if possible_
10 Push Press (Hard But Doable)
10 Thick Bar Curl
10 Thick Bar Skull Crushers

For those of you who follow our training, we have just ended a strength building cycle and are now shifting gears after a short de-loading phase.

Today's Workout is a Long-Slow Distance Stamina Effort.  This is a ruck march, slow jog, stair climb with hose pack, brisk walk with incline on the treadmill, etc..

Long slow distance training serves two very important purposes. First, it makes the athlete much more efficient using their fat burning metabolism, meaning they can go farther and faster.  Second, long, slow, distance work trains recovery.  Connective tissue is strengthened, muscle endurance improved, etc... Intense, hybrid, interval work does a good job at preparing an athlete to go long for a single event, but it does not prepare them to recover from that event if they have to do another long event the next day. Only volume training trains recovery.


Warm Up:
5 Minutes Foam Roller

3 rounds of 
5 BB High Pull (upright row)
5 BB Push Press
5 BB Back Squat
5 BB Good Mornings
5 BB Overhead Squat

10 Rounds for time of:
10 Jumping Pull Ups (every rep starts with full arm extension)
  8 Ball Slams (full arm extension with ball overhead each rep)
  8 Burpees
  6 KB Swings 
  6 Air Squats
  6 Push Ups

Strength Session

Warm Up:  3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 2 Pull Ups

1) 5 rounds of
5 Bench Press - increase weight each round
8 DB Rows (4L/4R)
2 Scarecrow mobility

2) 4 Rounds of
8 KB/DB Snatches (4L/4R)
8 Weighted Dips
8 KB/DB Sit Ups

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Front Squat
10 Lunge Jumps (5L/5R)
10 Rope Curls

Work Capacity

Feedback, Questions, Comments and Training Pictures always welcome.
Please send to

20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 reps of

** This is at a "grind/brisk" is NOT for time**

135lb DeadLift
Hanging Knee Raises
Jump Squats
200m Run (just once per round)

Strength Session

Warm Up:
2 Rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 6 situps

1. Find Approx Dead Lift 1 Rep Max

2. 5 rounds of
2 Dead Lifts @85% of 1RM
4 Scorpions
1 Knee to Chest Mobility

3. 4 Rounds of
6 Log Press (hard but doable weight)
8 Weighted Dips
6 Jeremy Specials

4. 3 Rounds of
8 SB Get Ups (4L/4R)
12 Standing Russian Twists (6L/6R)
8 Ab Wheel

Work Capacity

Warm Up:
5 minutes of Sandbag, KB, or DB Getups
10 Minutes of MB drills (side to side throws, granny-style underhand throw, chest passes, etc...)

1) 8 rounds for each couplet (pair) 15 sec work / 15 sec rest. Perform all at rounds for both exercises in the couplet before moving on to the next.  

#1 Push ups/Inverted rows or ring rows

#2 KB Swings/Goblet Squats

#3 MB Situps/ Superman Hold

#4 Toe Touches/ Back Extensions

For example: 15 seconds of Push Ups, 15 seconds of rest, 15 reconds inverted rows, 15 seconds rest, 15 seconds push ups, 15 seconds rest, 15 inverted rows, 15 seconds rest (that would be two rounds...perform 8 rounds before moving on to the next couplet.)

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
20 Jumping Jacks
12 Squats
8 Push Ups
8 Scared Cats
8 Sit Ups
8 Supine Straight leg kicks

1) Find 1 Arm Snatch 1 Rep Max

2) 5 Rounds of
2 - 1 Arm snatches @ 85% of 1RM (2L/2R)
6  Mobility Squats ( mobility squats are slow(er) air squats concentrating on your squat form and challenging your range of motion -- we use them as active rest)

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Squats (Hard But doable weight)
10 KB Slashers (10L/10R)
20 Toue Touches

4) 4 Rounds of
1 "The Swing"
10 Lateal db Lunges (10l/10R)
10 DB Rows (10L/10R)
Work Capacity

Warm Up:
30-20-10 reps of
Jumping Jacks
Ring Rows / Inverted rows
Push Ups
KB/DB Swings
Box Jumps
MB Slashers

1) 3 Rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps
200m run
10 Push Press (95lbs/55lbs)
200m run
10 Burpees
200m run
10 KB/DB Swings
200 m run
10 Thrusters (95/55)
200m run
10 Pull Ups
200m run

Strength Session

Warm Up: 2 rounds of
"Barbell Complex" (75lbs, 95lbs)
w/ 6 situps

1) Find Approx DB Bench Press 1 RM

2) 6 rounds of
2 DB Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
2 Y & L Mobility

3) 4 rounds of
10 Get Ups (5L/5R)                                      
12 KB/DB Clean and Press (6L/6R)
14 KB/DB 1 arm situps (7L/7R)

4) 4 rounds of
20 Lunges (65lbs) (10L/10R)
20 Lunge Jumps (10L/10R)
5 Jump Squat
1/2 Jane Fonda


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
200m run
10 Box Jumps
200m run
10 Push Ups
200m run
10 Squat Mobility
200m Run

1) 4 rounds of
2 15 yard Prowler Sled Sprints Unloaded
10 Push Ups

2) 4 rounds of
30 yard 24kg DB/KB Farmers Walk
10 Box Jumps

3) Until Complete (10 Sandbags, all of various weight (20 lbs-70lbs) must be carried by yourself and partner 100m
and dropped off.  As many trips as it takes to complete task)
Sand Bag Carries

4) 4 Rounds of
KB Rack Holds (until partner finishes slams)
10 30# Ball Slams


WARM UP: 10,8,6,4,2 Reps of:
BB Push Press
BB Squat
BB Good Mornings
Push Ups
Ankles to Bar

1) Find Approx Clean 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Cleans at 85% of 1 Rep Max
1 Knees to Chest Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
5 Plyo Push Ups for Height
6 Dynamic Inverted rows (perform rep as fast as possible)
6 Band Pull Aparts

4) 4 Rounds of
10 Hex Bar Deadlifts @60% of 1RM
10 GHD
10 Suitcase situps


Warm Up:
5 minutes foam roller

3 rounds of
BB Upright Row
BB Push Press
BB Back Squat
BB Good Mornings

1) Max rounds in 10 minutes of:
10 - 20kg KB/DB Swings
 6  Push Ups
 6  Ring Pull Ups
 6 - 20kg KD/DB Lunges (3L/3R)

once complete, rest 5 minutes then

2) Max rounds in ten minutes of:
10 Ball Slams
  6 Burpees
10  20kg KB Summo Deadlift
  6 MB Sit Ups