Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Pull Ups
10x Air Squats
10x Push Ups
200m Run

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Bench Press - Increase weight until 3 is hard but doable.  Use the first 2-3 rounds as your warm up rounds.
5x Pull Ups
Instep Stretch

2) 5 Rounds of
5x Hang Squat Snatch - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
3x Box Jumps for Max Height
Ultimate Shoulder Stretch

3) 5 Rounds of
10x Lateral Dumbbell Lunge (10L/10R) increase weight until 10 is hard but doable
2x Lunge Jumps (2L/2R)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex


Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex @ 12kg
Foam Roller

10 Rounds of
10x KB Swings @ 32kg
8x Goblet Squats @ 32kg
100m Run
Rest 1 minute

This circuit is not designed for overall time, but to go all out on each round. One minute is more than enough rest time to reload. For pacing and mindset, think of how a football player would go all out once the ball is snapped and then rest in between plays.  You have ten plays. IF it seems easy, pick up the intensity.

4 Rounds of
10x Weighted Sit Ups @ 25lbs
10x Back Extensions
5x Kneeling Sandbag Keg Lift @ 60lbs (5L/5R)


45 Min Run at Moderate intensity


Warm up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex - increase weight each round
Instep Stretch

1) Find Squat Clean and Push Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2x Squat clean and Push Press @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
1/2 HUG Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
5x Dead Lift - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable with good form immediately into...
5x Squat Jumps
Prisoner Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of
6x Strict Pull Ups
10x Dips
10x Push Ups
15x Sit Ups


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
10x Walking Lunges (10L/10R)
4x Scottie Bobs @25lb DBs
50x Rope Jumps
Pigeon Stretch

1) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Reps of
Hang Power Cleans @ 95lbs
Box Jumps
Front Squats @ 95lbs
200m Run

Grind Pace -- Perform briskfully not frantically.

2) 4 Rounds of
6x Ankles to Bar
10x Russian Twists @ 25lbs (10L/10R)
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex
We're keeping a similar format from the last two weeks.  Monitor not only your progress, but your mental approach to each session.  Feedback always welcome.

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Leg Blaster (mini):
10x Air Squats
10x In-place lunges (5/5)
10x Jumping lunges (5/5)
5x Jump Squats
10x Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) Find Push Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of 
2x Push Press @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Hip Swivel Stretch
2x Yand L Shoulder Mobility

3.) 8 Rounds of 
DB Complex @ 25lbs...every 1 minute and 35 seconds

4.) 4 Rounds of 
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex
10x Back Extensions
10x KB Slasher to HALOS @ 16kg


45 minute Ruck @ 45lbs.  Pace is moderate...comfortable, but not easy

Strength/Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
5x PVC Shoulder Dislocated
10x PVC Hang Squat Clean
10x PVC Back Squat 
3x Squat To Stand
Foam Roller- Low back

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Back Squat - Increase weight until 3 is hard but doable (increase your weight, but do not sacrifice your form, especially on back squat)
1/2 HUG Mobility
2x Shoulder Scarecrow
2) 6 rounds of 
5x Bench Press - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
Rope Climb or 5x Towel Pull UpsInstep Stretch
3) 5 rounds of 
10x KB Swings @32kg
5 Jingle Jangle Sprints
15 Sit Ups

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
200m Run
10 Walking Lunges (5L/5R)
5 Burpees

1) 2 Rounds of 
800m Sprint
rest 45 sec
2) 4 Rounds of 400m Sprint every 1 Minute and 50 seconds
Rest 3 Minutes
3)  5 Rounds of 200m Sprint every 50 seconds
Rest 3 Minutes
4) 8 rounds of 100m Sprint every 40 seconds 
5) 4 Rounds of 
5x Ankles to Bar
8x Glute Ham Raises
1/2 HAM Mobility

Perform the following for 45 Minutes:
400m Run
6x Mr. Spectaculars @ 16kg
20x Step Ups (10L/10R)
6x Pull Ups
8x Ball Slams @ 30lbs
We're keeping a similar format from last week and some very familiar sessions.  Monitor not only your progress, but your mental approach to each session.  Feedback always welcome.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Leg Blaster (mini):
10x Air Squats
10x In-place lunges (5/5)
10x Jumping lunges (5/5)
5x Jump Squats

10x Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) Find Front Squat 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of 
2x Front Squat @ 85% of 1 RM
2x Hip Swivel Stretch
2x Y&L Shoulder Mobility

3.) 8 Rounds of 
DB Complex @ 25lbs...every 1 minute and 45 seconds

4.) 4 Rounds of 
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex
10x Back Extensions
10x KB Slasher to HALOS @ 16kg


45 minute Ruck @ 45lbs.  Pace is moderate...comfortable, but not easy

Strength/Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
5x PVC Shoulder Dislocated
10x PVC Snatch Grip RDL
10x PVC Hang Squat Snatch
10x PVC Overhead Squat 
3x Squat To Stand
Foam Roller- Low back

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Squat Snatch - Increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
1/2 HUG Mobility
2x Shoulder Scarecrow
2) 6 rounds of 
5x Push Press - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
Rope Climb or 5x Towel Pull UpsInstep Stretch

3) 6 rounds for time of 
10 Air Squats
5 Box Jumps
5 Burpees
15 Sit Ups

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
200m Run
10 Walking Lunges (5L/5R)
5 Burpees

1) 2 Rounds of 
800m Sprint
rest 1 minute

2) 400m Sprint every 2 minutes for 8 minutes

Rest 3 Minutes

3) 200m Sprint every minute for 5 minutes

Rest 3 Minutes

4) 100m Sprint every 45 seconds for 6 minutes

5) 4 Rounds of 
5x Ankles to Bar
8x Glute Ham Raises
1/2 HAM Mobility


Perform the following for 45 Minutes:

400m Run
6x Mr. Spectaculars @ 16kg
20x Step Ups (10L/10R)
6x Pull Ups
8x Ball Slams @ 30lbs

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Leg Blaster (mini):
10x Air Squats
10x In-place lunges (5/5)
10x Jumping lunges (5/5)
5x Jump Squats

10x Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) Find Bench Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of 
2x Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
5x Inverted Rows
2x Y&L Shoulder Mobility

3.) 8 Rounds of 
DB Complex @ 25lbs...every 2 minutes for 16 minutes

4.) 4 Rounds of 
60 Sec Ab Bridge Complex
10x Back Extensions
10x KB Slasher to HALOS @ 16kg


45 minute run.  Pace is moderate...comfortable, but not easy

Strength/Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
5x PVC Shoulder Dislocated
10x PVC Snatch Grip RDL
10x PVC Hang Squat Snatch
10x PVC Overhead Squat 
3x Squat To Stand
Foam Roller- Low back

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Overhead Squat - Increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 6 rounds of 
5x Dead Lift - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
5x Squat Jumps
Instep Stretch

3) 5 rounds for time of 
5 Pull Ups
10 Dips
5 Clapping Push Ups
15 Sit Ups

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
200m Run
10 Walking Lunges (5L/5R)
5 Burpees

1) 2 Rounds of 
800m Sprint
rest 1 minute

2) 400m Sprint every 2 minutes for 8 minutes

Rest 3 Minutes

3) 200m Sprint every minute for 5 minutes

Rest 3 Minutes

4) 100m Sprint every 45 seconds for 6 minutes

5) 4 Rounds of 
5x Ankles to Bar
8x Glute Ham Raises
1/2 HAM Mobility


Perform the following for 50 Minutes:

400m Run
Barbell Complex @ 95lbs
20 Step Ups (10L/10R)
10 Weighted Sit ups @ 45lbs


1) 20 Rounds of:
10 KB Swings @ 24kg
10 KB Goblet Squats @ 24 kgs
4 Burpees
10 Sit Ups (unloaded)
200m Run

2) 4 Rounds of
10x Dip Extension Straight leg raise
5x Kneeling Sandbag halfmoons @ 40lbs (5l/5r)
10x Russian Twists w/ 25lbs (10l/10r)
30 sec Superman Holds


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
5x Snatch Grip RDL
5x Snatch Grip Hi Pulls
5x Hang Squat Snatch
5x Overhead Squats
8x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) 8 rounds of
3x "The Exercise" (Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat)
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 5 rounds of
6x Front Squat - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
4x Squat jumps for Max Height
Prisoner Stretch

3) 5 rounds of
10x Bench Press
5x Pull Ups
10x Back Extensions


Warm Up: 4 rounds of
8x KB Swings @ 20kg
8x Jump Squats
4x KB Shoulder Hold Walking Lunges 20kgs  4L/4R

1) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of
2x KB Swings @ 24kg
Pull Ups
2x Ball Slams
2x Sit Ups

Round 1 should be: 20 Kb Swings, 10 Pull Ups, 20 Ball Slams, 10 Burpees, and 20 Sit ups
Round 2 should be: 18 Kb Swings, 9 Pull Ups, 18 Ball Slams, 9 Burpees, and 18 Sit ups.....

2)  4 Rounds of
8x Ankles to Bar
4x Slasher to Halos @ 16kg 4L/4R
8x KB RDL @ 24kg
60 Sec AB Bridge Complex


5k Run with 25 lbs weight vest or pack
* note time and average heart rate if possible


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
Barbell Complex (65, 75, 85, 95 lbs)
Instep Stretch
Ride It Down Squat

1) 8 Rounds of
3x Back Squat -- increase weight until 3 is hard but doable.  Make sure you are getting below parallel of lower.  If not decrease the weight.
2x Y&L Shoulder Mobility

2) 6 Rounds of
5x Push Press - increase weight until 5 is hard but doable
5x DB 1 Arm Row (5L/5R)
Instep Stretch

3) 6 Rounds of
8x KB Swings @ 28 KG immediately into ...
4x Box jumps for height --increase box height each round until 4 is hard but doable
8x Weighted Sit ups (weight on chest, not extended)

Notes:  We haven't used a  lot of back squats in this program.  The reason is that most people go too heavy and use terrible form that leads to a higher risk of injury.  We are using the back squat, and all exercises, as a tool of fitness.  We are not training competitive powerlifters or handing out medals for weight lifted, so do not get carried away in weight used but how well your technique is.  You still need to challenge yourself and progress the weight, but not at the expense of good form.  A back squat with full range of motion not only increases strength, but will increase durability and flexibility. A back squat  with out full range of motion and incorrect form will lead to back pain, knee problems, and other injuries.

1) For 50 Minutes:
400m Run
20x Step Ups  (20 each leg, 40 total)
20x Air Squats
10x Walking Lunges - unloaded (10 each leg, 20 total)
30x Jumping jacks - single count

2) 2 Rounds of
10x Poor Man's Leg Curl (10 each leg, 20 total)
8x Ankles to Bar
HAM Mobility (Both legs each round)


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex w/ 75lbs
Ride it Down Squat 
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Back Squat 
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 6 Rounds of 
5x Close Grip Bench Press
5x Pull Ups
8x GHD Sit Ups

3) 6 Rounds of 
4x KB Snatch increase weight until 4 is hard but doable on each side
3x Burpee High Jump (Regular Burpees, but vertically jump as high as you can each rep)
8x Superman Extensions 


45 minute Run -- Threshold Pace -- as fast as possible without straining.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
100m run
5x Pull Ups
5x Burpees
5x Dips
10x Sit Ups
Instep Stretch

1) 8 Round of 
3x Military Press - increase weight until 3 is hard but doable
5x Band Pull Aparts

2) 5 Rounds of 
6x Hang Power Clean - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
4x Jingle Jangles
8x Dip Extension Straight leg raise

3) 5 Rounds of 
10x DB Front Squats
10x Back Extensions
Foam Roller - Low Back

Work Capacity

Warm Up: 2 Rounds of
KB Mobility Complex

1) Max rounds in 10 minutes of
12 kb Swings @ 24 kgs
5 Burpess
5 Pull Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

2) 8 Rounds of
8 Ball Slams 30#
8 MB Front Squats
4 MB Plyo Push Ups (4/4)
8 MB Situps

3) 4 Rounds of
10 Standing Russians Twists
10 Dip Ext Leg Raises
3-3-3 Toe Touch Complex


1) Warm Up: 1 Mile Run

2) 10 Rounds of
8x Ball Slams @ 25#
5x Burpees
8x KB Swings @ 24kg
5x Pull Ups

3) Run 1 Mile

4) 10 Rounds of
8x Jump Squats
5x Mr. Spectaculars @ 16kg
8x Weighted Sit up @ 25#
5x Ring Rows/Inverted rows

Stamina effort today.  Have everything set up before you start the warm up and go right from the run into the training.  There should be not rest from the end of one circuit to the start of the run.  Stay disciplined. Strength Training tomorrow.


Warm Up: 4 Rounds of
10 Walking lunges (10/10)
8 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
2x Y and L Shoulder Mobility

1) FInd Push Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2x Push Press @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
1/2 HUG Mobility

3) 6 Rounds of
5x Hang Power Cleans - increase weight rapidly until 5 is hard but doable
3x Broad Jumps
InStep Stretch

4) 6 Rounds of
8x DB Split Squats 8/8
8x Back Extensions
4x 1 arm KB Sit ups (4L/4R)


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of
200m Run
6 Jump Squats
6 Walking Lunges with 25lbs DBs
6 Push Ups
6 Sit Ups

1) Perform the following every minute for 10 minutes.  Any extra time before the next round is your rest.  The faster you go, the more rest you'll have:
4x Jingle Jangles
4x Burpees
4x MB Front Squat (Perform a front squat holding a 30lbs medicine ball)
4x Ball Slams

Rest 3 Minutes

2) For 10 minutes perform the following:
400m Run
5x 1-Arm overhead walking lunges with 25lb DB/KB (5L/5R) alternate the arm extended with the weight
10x Sit Ups

3) 4 Rounds of
1/2 HAM Mobility
10x Poor Man's Leg Curl
5x Kneeling Keg lift 5L/5R (use a 40# sandbag or 45lb weight plate)
60 sec Ab Bridge Complex (20 sec side plank hold, 20 sec middle, 20 sec other side plank hold)



60 Minute Ruck, Hike, Stair Climb with 40lbs 
***be mode specific. If you are a soldeirs, ruck with a pack. If you are a Firefighter, ruck with a pack and find stairs to climb during the ruck. Get creative with it and keep it interesting


Warm Up: 3 Rounds of 
8x Snatch Grip RDLs
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
8x Power Snatch
8x Overhead Squat
Instep Stretch
*** Use Barbell only, no weight

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Overhead Squat - increase weight rapidly until 3 is hard but doable
1/2 HUG Mobility

2) 5 Rounds of 
6x Deadlift - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
3x Lunge Jumps - 3L/3R
2x Hip Swivels

3) 5 Rounds of 
10x Bench Press -- try not to go to failure getting 10 reps
8x DB 1 Arm Row 8L/8R
10x Seated Russian Twists 25lbs 10/10


Warm Up: 3 rounds of 
8x Snatch Grip RDLs
8x Snatch Grip High Pulls
8x Squat Snatches
8x Overhead Squat
Instep Stretch 
**Use BB only

1) Find Squat Snatch 1 RM

2) 5 Rounds of 
2x Squat Snatch @ 85% of 1RM
Hip Swivel

3) 5 Rounds of 
6x Dead Lift - increase weight until 6 is hard but doable
4x Jingle Jangles
Pigeon Stretch

4) 5 Rounds of 
10x Bench Press
4x Clapping push ups
5 Pull Ups (strict)


14,13,12,11,10....1 reps of 
Squat jumps
Inverted Rows
Mountain Climbers (both legs = 1 rep)
Sit Ups
400m Run

This is a grind, so do not attempt to sprint through this.  We are using this training as a bit of a recovery day, so if it is a little easier than most, it is designed that way.  However, you will sweat and feel a a good burn.



Warm Up: 4 Rounds of 
Barbell Complex @ 75lbs
1/2 HUG mobility

1) 8 Rounds of 
3x Front Squat - increase weight rapidly until 3 is hard but doable
Frog Stretch

2) 6 Rounds of 
5x KB Floor Press 5L/5R - increase weight until 5 each arm is hard but doable
5x Weighted Pull Ups
5x Weighted Dips
30 sec Front Plank Hold

3) 6 Rounds of
8x KB Swings @ 32kg
8x Ball Slams @ 30lbs
6x Ankles to Bar


Warm Up: 3 rounds of
10 KB Swings 16kg
10 KB Goblet Squats
100m Run
Instep Stretch

1) Performing the following every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
6x Double KB Squat Cleans @ 16kg (see video above)
3x Lunge Jumps 3L/3R
100m Sprint
***time left bfore 2 minutes is your rest

2) 4 Rounds of
8x GHD Raises
8x Kneeling Sand Bag Keg Lifts @ 60lbs 8/8
8x Dip Extension straight leg raises
60sec Side plank hold 30/30