Warm Up: 10-8-6-4-2 reps of
95lb Bench Press
65lb Barbell Clean and Press
45lbs x 2 DB/KB Dead Lifts

1) Find Approx Log Press 1 Rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
2 Log press @ 85% of I rep Max
1 SAM shoulder Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
6 Man Makers
8 DB/KB Swing 50lbs
12 Russians Twists w/ 25lb plate

4) 4 rounds of
8 Lateral Box Jumps (4L/4R)
8 Broad Jumps (max distance)
8 Tuck Jumps
1/2 15sec Jane Fonda

**If you do not have access to a Log, use a barbell. For the Log Press,  the log first must be Dead Lifted,  Cleaned to the shoulders and then Pressed. If performing more than one rep, the actual press is the only repeated portion of the lift for this session.