Strength Session

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
20 Jumping Jacks
10 sit ups
10 push ups
10 Squats
5 Over Head squats with Barbell or Broomstick

1) Find Over Head Squat (OHS) 1 Rep Max

** If you are new(er) to OHS:
- keep working your technique (drive through heels and hips pushing back), but try to challenge yourself with heavier weight.
- do not go to failure, but see how your technique holds up with a heavier load
- at first, you do not have to have excellent Range of Motion(ROM) -- keep good technique and the more comfortable you become moving with weight overhead, the greater your ROM will become.

2) 5 Rounds of
2 OHS @ 85% of 1 RM
2 Scorpions
2 Hip Swivels

3) 4 rounds of
6 Back Squat -- find a weight that is hard, but doable (HBD) for six reps
1 Rope Climb or 6 Pull Ups
6 Squat Mobility

4) 4 rounds of
10 T-Bar Row
10 Bench Press @ 60% of 1RM
10 Weighted Situps

Warm Up: 3 rounds
5 RDLs
5 High Pulls
5 Push Press
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squat
5 Over Head Squat

Max number of rounds in 20 minutes of:
8 - 20kg KB Clean and Press (4L/4R)
8 - 20kg KB Goblet Squats
4 - Jeremy Specials ( 1 ankles to bar + 1 Pull Ups)
8 - Push Ups (chest to floor)
Strength Session

Warm Up: 3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 2 Pull ups
**increase weight each round

1) Max Reps of Strict Pull up ( no kipping, no swinging, just full extension to chin above bar)
-- You can rest in a dead hand, but once you leave the bar, you're done.
2) Find Approximate Push Press 1 Rep Max

3) 5 Rounds of
2 Push Press @ 85% Of 1 RM
40% of max rep pull ups (for example, if you did 20 reps for max effort, 40% would be 8 = 8 reps each round)
2 Y&L shoulder Mobility

4) 5 rounds of
6 DB RDL (challenge yourself on weight)
1 Plank hold series (20 sec hold right side, middle, left side)

5) 4 rounds of
8 Lunge Jump (max height) (4L/4R)
8 Dip Extension Leg raises
8 Dips

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
5 Burpees
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit ups
4 Pull Ups

1) For Time:
14,13,12,11,10....1 reps of
Medicine Ball (MB) Squats
MB Slams
MB 1-arm Push Ups (alternating)
MB Sit Ups
2 Pull ups (only two each round...does not change)



Warm Up:
3 Rounds of
20 Squats
10 Squat Jumps
10 KB/DB Swings
5 Tuck Jumps

1) Find Approx HEX Bar Dead Lift 1 Rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
2 Hex Bar Dead Lifts @ 85% of 1 RM
2 Hip Swivels

3)  4 rounds of
6 thick bar tricep extension
4 Jeremy Specials (pull up + ankles to bar)
6 Scottie Bobs (db push up +left arm db row + db push up + right arm db row)

4)  4 rounds of
6 Barbell Wlaking lunge (3L/3R)
6 SB Get Ups (3L/3R)
8 SSB Half Moons (4L/4R)
10 GHD weighted sit ups


Warm Up:
3 rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
12 Squats
10 push ups
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Sit Ups

For Time:
20 Log Clean and Press (95lbs)
200m sprint
20 Burpees
200m sprint
20 DB/KB Swings (24kg)
200m sprint
20 Barbell Punches 10L/10R (70 lbs)
200m sprint
20 D-Ball Clean, Press, and Slam (50lbs)
200m sprint
200 Knees to Chest
200m sprint
200m Sand Bag Carry (70lbs)
200m sprint


Warm Up:
2 rounds of:
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 6 sit ups
**challenge yourself by adding more weight to the barbell complex

1) Find Approx 1 Rep Max for Close-grip Bench Press
***grip/hand placement- outside of pinky fingers should barely touch rough part of bar

2) 5 Rounds of
2 Close Grip Bench Press at 85% of 1 RM
1 Band Pull apart series (6 overhead pull aparts, 6 regular pull aparts)

3) 5 Rounds of
12 (6L/6R) Standing Russian Twist and Lunge (lunge  and pivot as you rotate the barbell)
6 Strict Pull Ups
6 Weighted Dips

4) 4 Rounds of
8 SB Get Ups (4L/4R)
8 KB/DB Clean and Press
8 KB/DB alternating Floor Press (4L/4R)


Warm Up:
2 rounds of:
"Barbell Complex"
w/ 6 sit ups

1) 5 rounds for time of:
4 Mofo Complex 65lbs
(1 Mofo complex = BB Clean, BB Lunge right leg, BB Lunge left leg,  BB Pus Press, BB Overhead Squat)
4 Burpee with lateral box jump
30 meter bear crawl
4 Pull Up


Warm Up:
2 Rounds Javorek Dumbbell Complex:
6 Bicep Curl
6 Military Press
6 High Pull From Ground
6 Front Squat + Push Press
6 Bent Over Row
6 Upright Row

1) Work Up to 1 Rep Max  of DB Turkish GetUp

2) 4 rounds of
2 DB Get Ups @ 85% of 1 RM
1 Scarecrow
1 Knees to Chest Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
6 Weighted Lunges
6 Jump Lunges (3L/3R)
6 Reverse Extensions on bench

4)4 rounds of
2 MB Push Up Complex
3 Plyo Push Up
8 Back Extensions
8 Weighted Situps


Warm Up:
3 rounds of
10 PVC Over Head Squats
10 Jumping Jacks
10 KB/DB Swings
10 Push Ups
10 KB/DB High Pulls
10 Med Ball Situps
10 Med Ball Thrusters
10 Ring/Inverted Rows

1) With a running clock perform 30 seconds of work followed by 30 sec of rest
for the following exercises for 3 rounds:
KB/DB Swings
Bupree Broad Jump (standard burpee with a broad jump instead of a vertical jump)
Ring/Inverted Rows
Mountain Climbers

Rest 2 minutes after 3 rounds is complete

2) With a running clock perform 30 seconds of work followed by 30 sec of rest
for the following exercises for 3 rounds:
Air Dyne Bike (stationary bike) Sprints
Bicycle Situps
KB/DB High Pulls
Ball Slams
A Great Video from Rob Shaul at and . Rob has been instrumental in contributing to our programming methods for both Industrial Athletes and Tactical Athletes.

Bottom line: These type of Athletes need to get stronger (not necessarily bigger) and be able to work at a high work capacity.


Warm Up: 10-8-6-4-2 reps of
95lb Bench Press
65lb Barbell Clean and Press
45lbs x 2 DB/KB Dead Lifts

1) Find Approx Log Press 1 Rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
2 Log press @ 85% of I rep Max
1 SAM shoulder Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
6 Man Makers
8 DB/KB Swing 50lbs
12 Russians Twists w/ 25lb plate

4) 4 rounds of
8 Lateral Box Jumps (4L/4R)
8 Broad Jumps (max distance)
8 Tuck Jumps
1/2 15sec Jane Fonda

**If you do not have access to a Log, use a barbell. For the Log Press,  the log first must be Dead Lifted,  Cleaned to the shoulders and then Pressed. If performing more than one rep, the actual press is the only repeated portion of the lift for this session.


Warm Up:
5 minutes foam roller

2 rounds of:
12 BB RDLs
12 BB High Pulls
12 Push Press
12 Good Mornings
12 Situps

1) With a running clock perform the following every two minutes for 20 minutes
10 KB Snatch (5L/5R)
 2 KB Turkish Get Ups (1L/1R)
 6 1 Arm KB Sit Ups (3L/3R)

Warm Up:
3 rounds of "Barbell Complex"
w/ 6 situps

1) Find approx Dead Lift 1 Rep Max

2) 4 rounds of
2 Dead Lifts @ 85% of 1 RM
1 HUG mobility
1 Knee to Chest mobility

3) 5 rounds of
6 Barbell Overhead Squat
6 Jump Squats
8 TRX of Ring Push Ups
8 Weighted Sit Ups

4) 5 Rounds of
8 DB Push Press
8 DB 1 Arm Row (8L/ 8R)
8 DB Lateral Raise
8 DB Bent over Rear Delt

***You should not spend all day getting your 1 RM.  Obviously be safe and use proper form, but it's an approx value.  Perform the session at a brisk pace. It should not be a sprint yet it is not a time to BS and take 3 minutes between sets. Work briskfully and get it done in 60 min or less.


Warm up
5 minutes Foam Roller

2 Rounds of:
12 BB Upright Row
12 BB Push Press
12 BB Good Mornings
12 BB Back Squat

12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of
KB Swings (each 12 means 12 left hand and 12 right hand)
Ball Slams
Weighted Situps

Making 415 look easy..


Warm Up: 3 rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Barbell RDLs
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
5 Pull Ups
5 Ring Dips

1) Find Approx Bench Press 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of:
2 Bench Press @ 85% of 1 RM
2 Y&L Mobility
6 Band Pull Aparts

3) 5 Rounds of
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
6 Pull Ups (weighted if possible, strict - no kipping or cheating)
2 Hip Swivels

4) 4 Rounds of or 7 Rounds of
Mini Leg Blaster 2 Max Height Box Jumps
10 Weighted Situps 10 Weighted Situps

*** If you are comfortable with performing box jumps for
height, perform them instead of the mini leg blaster.  
Challenge yourself with the height of the jump.  It is a max 
height effort, not a race.



On Saturday December 5th, DRIVEN STRONG participated in the Workout Session for the victims of the Ft. Hood Shootings. 
Many in the CrossFit community were affected by the tragic shootings at Fort Hood, but none as directly as  Lumberjack Crossfit .  Four members of that affiliate were killed.
CrossFit is launching a hero WOD fundraiser for our four fallen Soldiers. On December 5th, we are asking affiliates and individuals to do two things: participate in the workout (as a display of solidarity with Lumberjack CrossFit) and to reach out to family, friends, and strangers to donate whatever you can.

Here's the workout:
20 275lbs Dead Lifts
400m run
20 32kg KB Swings
400m run
20 115lb OHS
400m run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 Pull ups (chest to bar)
400m run
20 Box Jumps
400m run
20 95lb Squat clean
400m run


Warm Up: 2 rounds of
20 sec work/ 20 sec rest for the following:

PVC Overhead Squat
Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
KB/DB Swings
MB Sit Ups
Russian Twists
Ring Rows / Inverted Rows

1) Max Rounds in 20 minutes of:
6 Sandbag Clean and Press
6 Sandbag Jump Squat
6 Sandbag Get Ups (3L/3R)
6 Sand Bag Situps
***Use the same weight/sandbag for all exercises for the entire 20 minutes. No switching out!

If you do not have Sandbags, GET SOME.  They are cheap, durable, and versitile.
Here's a great Demo from Rob at on sandbag construction.  It is the best way to make them using military duffle  bags filled with wood or rubber mulch.



Warm Up:
4 rounds of
30 Jumping Jacks
15 Push Ups
10 Squats
10 Situps
5 Jump Squats

1) Find Approx  Push Press 1 RM

2) 5 rounds of
2x Push Press @ 85% of 1 RM
1x Ring Circuit (5 Ring rows, 5 Ring External Rotations, 5 Ring Rear Delt extension)

3) 5 round of
12 Landmine (grappler) Rotations or Barbell Russian Twists
6 Barbell Curl
6 Skull Crushers
12 Back Extensions

4) 5 rounds of
10 Goblet Squats
5 Jump Squats
10 Dip Extension Straight leg raises
5 Jump Squats
10 Dip Extension Straight leg raises


Warm Up:
5 minutes Foam Roller
2 rounds for time of:
12 BB Upright row
12 BB Push Press
12 BB Good Mornings
12 BB Back Squat

With a running clock perform the following every 3 minutes for 6 rounds:
10 Ball Slams
10 275lb Dead Lifts
10 Pull Ups
10 MB Situps

*** Like many workouts, this seems easy, but it will catch up to you and really hit you at round 3.  Keep the intensity high and max out your rest time. For example, if you finish the round in 2 minutes then you have 1 minute to rest before the next round starts.

Strength Session

Warm Up:
3 rounds of
"Barbell Complex" w/ 6 ankles to bar

1) Find 1-Arm DB Snatch approx 1 rep max on both arms

2) 5 rounds of:
2x 1 Arm snatch @ 85% of 1 RM (2L/2R)
6x Squat Mobility ( Body weight squats w/ an emphasis on working full range of motion)
2x Supine Knee to Chest Mobility

3) 5 rounds of:
6x DB Front Squat (Hard but doable)
12x lateral jump shuffle
4x Plyo Depth Push Ups for max height (challenge yourself)

4) 6 rounds of:
8x Bench Press (hard but doable)
8x T Bar Row (hard but doable)
2x Band Pull Apart series