Strength Session 
Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
Firefighter Barbell Circuit:
30 sec work 30 sec rest of:
Forward kayak paddle
Backward kayak paddle
Forward BB circles
Backward BB circles
Bent Over Row
Incline Push Press
Pike Pole Extension
Pike Pole Extension (switch hands)

1) Find approx Bench Press 1 rep Max

2) 6 rounds of
    2 Bench Press @85% of 1RM
    5 Band Pull Aparts

3) 6 rounds of
    5 Over Head Squats -- where 5 is hard, but doable
    6 Overhead Sledge Hits
    3 Max Height Jumps
    6 Seated Russian Twists

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Dead Lifts
    Farmers carry
    1/2 Jane Fondas