Strength Session

Warm Up:
4 Rounds
15 Jumping Jacks
12 Walking Lunges (6L/6R)
6 Clapping Push Ups
4 Strict Pull Ups

1) Max Reps of Strict Pull Ups

  • From a dead hang to chin above the bar
  • No kipping
Starts when you mount the bar and ends when you dismount (no getting back up)

2) 6 Round of
2 Bench Press @ 85% of previous 1 RM
2 Y&L Mobility

3)5 Rounds of
6 SB Get Ups (3L/3R)
6 MB Slams
6 Ankles to Bar

4) 5 Rounds of
10 Goblet Squats
5 Jumps Squats
10 V-Ups

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
6 situps

1) Find Approx 1 RM of Dead Lift.
*** Again, this is your approximate 1 Rep max with perfect form.  If the max weight you use is with bad form,  your 6 rounds of 2 reps @ 85% will be with bad form to.  PREVENT INJURY, USE FLAWLESS TECHNIQUE!

2) 6 rounds of
2 Deadlifts @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
2 HUG Mobility

3) 6 rounds of
8 plyo push up on 45lb bumber plates (count outside push ups only)
7 strict pull ups -- no cheating, no kipping
10 MB sit ups

4) 3 Rounds of
10 Grappler Landmine Rotations (5L/5R)
10 GDHs
8 Ab Wheel fallouts

Warm Up:
3 Rounds of
Barbell Complex
6 situps

1) Find Approx 1 RM of Dead Lift.
*** Again, this is your approximate 1 Rep max with perfect form.  If the max weight you use is with bad form,  your 6 rounds of 2 reps @ 85% will be with bad form to.  PREVENT INJURY, USE FLAWLESS TECHNIQUE!

2) 6 rounds of
2 Deadlifts @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
2 HUG Mobility

3) 6 rounds of
8 plyo push up on 45lb bumber plates (count outside push ups only)
7 strict pull ups -- no cheating, no kipping
10 MB sit ups

4) 3 Rounds of
10 Grappler Landmine Rotations (5L/5R)
10 GDHs
8 Ab Wheel fallouts
Work Capacity

Warm Up:
4 rounds of
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Mountain Climbers (10L/10R)
10 Sit ups

First 10 Minutes:
5 one-arm KB/DB Swing (5L/5R)
5 one-arm KB/DB Push Press (5L/5R)

After 10 minutes, rest 1 minute then Perform the following every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. Any time left over is rest.

Second 10 minutes:
7 Bulgarian Split Squats (holding DBs in each hand and balancing back foot on bench) (7L/7R)

Strength Session

Warm up:
10 minutes of
Snatch Progressions (1 Progression = 5 Snatch grip dead lifts, 5 Hang snatch grip pulls, 5 Hang Snatch high pulls, 5 Hang snatch, 5 Over Head Squats)
** Increase weight each round.  Work Technique to prepare for the main effort training

1) Find Approx 1 Rep Max for "The Exercise"

2) 5 rounds of
2 The Exercise
2 Supine Knee to Chest Mobility

3) 5 rounds of
6 Dead Lifts
8 DB lateral lunge (4L/4R)
12 weighted sit ups

4) 5 rounds of
10 Plyo Push Ups (5L/5R)
10 Ball slams
10 Slashers (5L/5R)
10 Inverted Rows

Stamina / Work Capacity Session

Warm Up:
3 rounds of:
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Squat Jumps
10 push ups
10 walking lunges (5L/5R)
5 Box Jumps

1). 100 Curtis P's (1 Hang Clean + 1 Lunge + 1 Lunge + Push Press)

** recommended weight to use: 1/2 body weight (ie. athlete weight = 200lbs use 100lbs for exercise)

"Curtis P" video demonstration (courtesy of Mountain Athlete):


Warm up:
3 rounds of
5 Goblet Squats
5 Ankles to Bar
5 Push Ups
10 Seated Russian Twists (10L/10R)

1) Find Approx Front Squat 1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Front Squats at 85% of 1 RM
2 HUG mobility
*** Keep in mind the quality of your 1 Rep Max will dictate the quality of your 2 reps @ 85%.  What this means is if your form was not to standard for getting your 1 RM, but you "sucked it up" and sacrificed form to get a heavier weight, then your reps at 85% of that weight will be of a similar standard.  Bottom line: DO NOT SACRIFICE FORM TO LIFT HEAVIER WEIGHT....IT WILL COME BACK TO KICK YOUR ASS.

3) 6 rounds of
5 DB Push Press (go Heavy)
5 DB Rows (5L/5R...go Heavy)
5 Air Squats (recovery form and work your Range of Motion on these squats)
2 Y&L Mobility

4) 5 rounds of
6 Sand Bag (SB) Half Moons (3L/3R)
6 "The Exercise" (1 hang snatch 1 overhead squat)
6 Scorpions
Stamina VO2 efficiency session
Warm up:
1 rds of
30 Jump Ropes
10 lunges (10L/10R)
10 Push ups
10 Situps
10 DB Push Press

1) Box Step Up - Breathing Ladder 1-10
Holding one 20lb DB in each hand step up on a 24 in box. When you are at rest you must control your breathing to the prescribed number of breaths.

The first few rounds should look like this:
1 step up (right leg step up, step down)
1 breath of rest
2 step ups (left leg step up, step down, right leg step up, step down)
2 breaths or rest
3 step ups (left leg step up, step down, right leg step up, step down, left leg step up, step down)
3 breaths of rest
....continue to 10 reps and 10 breaths and start back at ONE.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 40 minutes staying within the breathing at rest prescription.

-- There is no breathing restrictions while actually performing the exercise...only at rest.
-- If you are having trouble catching your breath during rest, slow down while you are performing the exercise to catch your breath.
-- Try not to put the dumbbells will need to eventually, but try to minimize it.


Warm up:
3 rds of
Barbell Complex
6 Situps

1)  Find approx Squat Clean and Push Press 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of:
2 Squat Clean and Push Press at 85% of 1 RM
2 Hip Swivels

3) 5 rounds of:
6 Front Squat -- weight should be heavy, but doable
6 DB RDLs (romanian deadlifts)
1 Medball Push up complex ( 1 regular push up, 1 push up with right hand on MB, 1 push up with both hands on MB,  1 push up with left hand on MB, 1 regular push up, and then back with 1 push up with left hand on MB, 1 push up with both hands on MB, 1 push up with right hand on MB, and 1 regular push up)

4) 5 rounds of:
8 Bench Press -- weight should be hard, but doable
5 Pull ups (chest to bar)
8 DB Shrugs (go heavy as possible)
Work Capacity Session

Warm up:
4 rounds of
 5 Pullups 
20 Lunges (10L/10R)
20 Seated Russian Twists (20 touches)

1) 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time of:
Air Squats (Work on Full Range of Motion)
Push Ups
KB/DB Swings 50lbs
150 run  (for those at station 12, we ran one lap around the fire station) the first round will be:
12 Air Squats
12 Push ups
12 Swings
1 Run
....followed immedietly by:
11 Air Squats
11 Push Ups
11 Swings
1 Run
...continue down to 1 rep, with each round having only 1- 150 meter run


Warm Up:
5   Burpee Pull ups
10 Jumping Jacks
5   Clapping Push Ups
10 Calories on Air Dyne/Eliptical

1) Find Approx Weighted Pull up 1 Rep Max

2) 6 rounds of :
2 Weighted Pullups at 85% of 1RM
8 DB Alternating Bench Press (8 total)
2 Scarecrows

3) 5 rounds of:
6 Sandbag (Hose pack) Get ups
6 Sandbag (Hose pack) Squats
6 Sandbag (Hose pack) Sit ups

4) 6 rounds of:
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat jumps
1/2 Jane Fondas

Warm up 5 minutes on the airdyne bike or jogging.


10 minutes at each couplet working 15 seconds on one exercise right into 15 seconds of work at the next exercise

This is a 15s/15s nonstop for 10 minute effort

Couplet 1
Pull ups

Couplet 2
Ball Slam
med ball sit ups

Couplet 3
KB/DB Swings
Push ups

1 minute rest between each couplet.

32 minutes complete workout time.

burns the entire body and the lungs tend to open up fairly quick after the first few minutes of the first couplet.


On the 2 minute mark for 20 minutes (total of 10 rounds) complete:

 5 Burpees
10 1-arm DB Snatches (5R/5L)
30 touches Mountain Climbers
20 Ball Slams (15 lbs)

For example: if you finish a round in 1:30, then you :30 to rest before the start of the next round.

Warm Up
4 rounds of
5 ankles to bar
5 clapping push ups
5 Box Jumps / Squat Jumps

1) Find Approx. Push Press -1 Rep Max

2) 6 Rounds of
2 Push Press at 85% OF 1 Rep Max
5 Jumping Pull ups
2 Y&L Mobility

3) 6 Rounds of
4 Hang Clean Squats
5 RDLs
5 Hip Swivels

4)6 rounds of
8 Front Squats
30 sec plank series


Warm Up
4 rounds of
1 Hose Tower Ladder Climb
( 4-story climb up and down the house tower ladder)
3 Stair Case Climbs -- holding 2- 45# plates
(up and down one flight of stairs holding a 45# plate in each hand x3)

1) 4 Rounds of
"The Swing"
5 Hip Swivels (each side)

2) 5 Rounds of
5 Barbell Lunges (go up in weight each rep until 5 is hard, but doable)
2 HUG Mobility

3) 5 Rounds of
6 DB Push Press (go up in weight until 6 is tough, but doable)
6 Pull ups
6 Spiderman Push ups
2 Scarecrows

4) 5 Rounds of
10 Plate (25#) Deadlift High Pulls
10 Plate Squats
10 Plate Slashers
10 Plate situps
Strength Session 
Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
Firefighter Barbell Circuit:
30 sec work 30 sec rest of:
Forward kayak paddle
Backward kayak paddle
Forward BB circles
Backward BB circles
Bent Over Row
Incline Push Press
Pike Pole Extension
Pike Pole Extension (switch hands)

1) Find approx Bench Press 1 rep Max

2) 6 rounds of
    2 Bench Press @85% of 1RM
    5 Band Pull Aparts

3) 6 rounds of
    5 Over Head Squats -- where 5 is hard, but doable
    6 Overhead Sledge Hits
    3 Max Height Jumps
    6 Seated Russian Twists

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Dead Lifts
    Farmers carry
    1/2 Jane Fondas


Warm Up
20 sec work/ 20 sec rest -- no rest outside or the 20 seconds
KB/DB swings
Plate/MB Sit up and reach
MB Thruster
Ring Rows or inverted rows
Overhead Squats (just the bar or PVC pipe)
Jumping Jacks
Push Ups

1) Countdown 10, 9, 8, 7, 6....1 reps of:
KB/DB Swings
Squat Jumps
Clapping Push ups  or reg. push ups
Pull ups  or inverted rows
Hanging Knee Ups
10x Jump Rope of Jumping Jacks  (10 = 100, 9 = 90, 8 = 80, etc...)

Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
6 PVC Snatch and Squat
6 Push Ups
6 Lunge Jumps
6 Sit Ups

1) Find approx Front Squat 1 rep Max

2) 6 rounds of
    2 Front Squats @85% of 1RM
    2 HUGs

3) 6 rounds of
    5 Bench Press -- where 5 is hard, but doable
    5 Pull Ups
    2 Scarecrows

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Turkish Get Ups (4 each arm)
    3 Jingle Jangles
    8 Weighted Situps

Fire Off-Shift Workout

Warm up
4 rounds of
Barbell Complex
4 Hip Swivels

1) Find approx Dead Lift 1 rep Max

2) 5 rounds of
    2 Dead Lifts @85% of 1RM
    4 Scorpions

3) 6 rounds of
    5 Weighted Lunges
    5 Jump Squats
    10 DB situps

4) 6 rounds of
    8 Overhead Squats
    1 20 yard Farmers Carry
    60 Sec Plank Series



Warm Up:
10 Goblet Squat 40lbs
10 Push Ups
10 Sit ups

1) 15,14,13,12....1 reps of
    Dead Lift 135lbs
    2 hand DB/KB Clean and Press
    Medicine Ball sit up and reach
    Back Squat 115lbs
    Scotty Bobs 20 lb DBs

** recommend starting at 12 for those not used to our workouts.